
The Healing of Harvest

Image The time has come at  9:30am EST we entered into the Autumn Equinox: meaning day and night are equal lengths and provide for us balance that occurs  only   twice a year. Use the weeks near it to bring about acceptance beyond belief.  The time is harvest.   In the agrarian life autumn is a time of harvest. And yes when we think of this time of year there comes to mind pumpkins, apples. straw, and everything orange, red an d yellow. But these are not the true boons of autumn, but rather a mere commercialization of a larger more powerful time. To me harvest is one of the best times to clear out completely. No stalk, stem, or leaf shall remain. It is also a time to really view what work has been done. So, no we don't need false congratulatory ceremonies for ourselves, but more of a deep quiet understanding of our individual and collective big pictures in life. See the growth, see the maturation, and see where perhaps things did not manifest. Let autumn's ba...

Balance beyond belief

What we lived 2020 has already been one for the books, but we are all charged with completing this mammoth year. I know we have a bit of trepidation with elections, a second virus wave, and possible shut downs ahead. I felt like it only makes sense to try to decipher what is ahead. Of course this is not looking into a crystal ball trickery, but rather ancestral wisdom looms over my head just as it does over yours. In this post I will lay out one way to view all of this and suggest a way to decode what lies ahead. What we do Navigating the remainder of this year is about knowing what type of energy has already been put out into the world with COVID, injustice and large amounts of global deaths. Once we know we must accept all that transpired thus far and digest it in order to transmute this surge of negative and positive experiences. Even as I write this I too struggle with parts of this prescriptive plan of moving from this moment. What we need Ok let's chunk this int...

Staging for my Success

Beginning begins To begin again, that is what we have. No matter how fracking wrong a lunar cycle can go (and we have all had some really bad ones) have deep wisdom in the fact that there is the opportunity to do it all over again. At 1:38pm EST yesterday the moon made its way into the new moon in Gemini. Now both of those will be explored, but first let's see what all the hype is over a new moon. Newness renewed So, a new moon is also called the dark moon cause when we look in the sky we see no moon at all, but it just means where we are is far from the moon and it is not visible. She is still there, trust me. When this time is upon us there is a natural contraction of energy and a journey inward for unabridged introspection is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. Do work at this time that is about cleansing, clearing, removal and grounding. All of these are things we can benefit from at this time, but I suggest you try just one of them. Sometimes our overzealousn...

The sparkle is Spring

Credit: Change has come For most of us overnight the world has seemingly changed. Especially in the midst of all of this I want us to take a moment, lean into the realities the ancestors have for us, and go within to find our power and be guided into the next iteration of who we are in these times.  And trust, it is not lost on me that all of this is occurring in the season of Spring. Season's blessings Spring, a season associated with color, the return of the Sun and many beginnings must always be acknowledged as a time for growth. This growth has to be from the inside out or else we miss the things that are truly for us.  During this time of worldwide coping purposely align yourself with like minded persons and tap into that action of renewal. The regenerative force that is Spring does NOT happen by osmosis, we must be willing to accept the gifts this season has for us. Are you ready?  Silence seeker For me this time has been full of embra...

Release in Three

New Moon With the change in weather also comes a change in the moon. Today, at approximately 11: 38pm EST the moon moves itself into a new lunar cycle and into the sign of Scorpio. The new moon is the time when the moon in the sky gives the appearance of full darkness, but really is just far away.  This is the time to figure out what you will work towards over the next 28.5 days (a lunar cycle). See these few days as planning or incubation on what you will work towards manifesting. Now having said all of that, let's get into more of the nitty gritty of this lunar cycle. New Focus Scorpio is a sign frequently reduced to heightened sexuality and strong passions but it offers many more gifts. Namely embracing the subtleties of life, journeying homeward to find a better understanding of self, and  completing severance that is necessary to move forward .  More than a mere mantra, severance or plainly put "letting go" has all the sounds of a self help guru's platform...

The way to find a way

credit: Balancing Act At approximately 3:40am EST we entered into autumn. Today is the Autumn Equinox meaning day and night are equal lengths and provide for us balance that only comes twice a year. Use this equinox and the days and weeks near it to bring about balance to all aspects of our lives. Forget a clear and concise plan or goal, just put one foot in front of the other and step purposefully on your own path this autumn. Fear no fog Be it love, abundance, spiritual understanding or social consciousness this autumn can be the clearing we need, without realizing it. Often times in my own life when I have feared or worried the most what's gotten me through my fog has just been one step, then another, then another until eventually I have reached the place I didn't even know I was meant to go. This picture above symbolizes what our lives look like we when are sort of on a path and sort of not. A path without definition and many parts ahead that are n...