As in all things I am never really predictable, least of all to myself. So after a much needed break, I am back. And honestly it was not just what was going on in the world or even in my own life, I believe it came to a point where I needed to define for myself why doing this work was important and how doing it enriched or added to my life. I know that value now far better than I ever did. So I am looking forward to journeying with you all. And now I think we have a little lunar talk to get to, seeing that the Lunar New Year is just around the corner let’s get into it!
To Begin Again
Preparing for a new lunar year can be daunting or tiring, but having a self made guide book for yourself will allow you to navigate the coming Lunar Year in unparalleled fashion. The significance of the Lunar New Year is that there will be 13 new moon cycles with which to dream, learn, give, receive, and hope all over again. There are roughly four days remaining where we get the opportunity to ask questions, hear answers, listen for indicators, and conjure up the future that is upon us. Know we are the masters of our destinies. And the other very practical note is that if we don't have a clear plan of where we'd like to go, how do we know when we have reached it?
A Snake’s Surprise
Slithering this way is the Year of the Snake (also called the Serpent). This is a Wood Snake year and can be represented by the colors Green, Yellow or Red. Not to be overestimated, this year will be pregnant with possibilities as Snake packs a punch that is riddled with creativity, passion, and power that is hard to match at any other time. For you see the best gift given by dear Snake is the ability to transmute ANYTHING, that’s right anything (no matter if it’s person, place or thing). The beauty and the curse of Snake time is that it is a heavy spiritual reality to wield, but the rewards are overwhelmingly worth it. If there is an inkling to do something, then do it, it’s Snake Time. If you get a rush of an emotion that was out of nowhere, trust it, it’s Snake Time. And even if you believe that which is impossible, know it will manifest. You see all of these are reminders that Snake Time is here and she will gift us as much as we allow her to, but we must remember it comes at a price.
Before I forget, I am choosing to focus on the Green and Wood as other attributes for this Snake year. The significance of the words Green and Wood mean that much of our focus will be on grounding and centering ourselves in a very Earth based space. There will be stability, prosperity, nature, renewal and the ability for things to become evergreen in our lives, if we are open and willing to work towards it. Surely these are trajectories we can all use.
It’s Habit Forming
Set time aside each day (same or different times isn't relevant) and make sure you are making note of what issues, ideas, concepts. or images come up. Often times people want to make large proclamations and stands on what their year will be about and yes that is one way to set your Lunar Year off, but more often than not we are given a skeletal idea of the year and then it's up to us to see the specifics as they come. It takes work but I find that we are able to harness and utilize our spiritual connection/powers better that way.
Setting it Up
I want each of you to decide how best to set out the year for yourself. Ritual and ceremony only heightens our link to the spirit realm so whether with ourselves or with others we must bring in this Lunar New Year in a way that makes us comfortable (food, music, gathering, elemental objects, etc). The power lies not in what we have around us, but rather the energy we activate.
Make it So
Below are general areas that often help as a springboard for portions of our life that we want to emphasize in a given Lunar Year. Figure out the who, what, when, why, and how and have it ready with you when you begin doing work for the Lunar New Year. Also intuit and mantra for the year, either from a guidance card pull or an overarching theme for your path this Lunar Year. I have found that manifestation springs forth from the ability to conceive it, write it, speak it, and share it. All of this together makes up for some powerful mojo that will help us navigate through the next 13 moons and beyond. I look forward to hearing what this has sparked. Remember caring is sharing!
Lunar Year Totem - Snake
Cosmic Consciousness
Eat, Ingest, Integrate & Transmute
Transformation is always by request
Be wary of resistance to Change
Release the Skin that no longer serves me
Move freely into the newness that awaits
Lunar New Year Elements
Let these objects guide you towards what is in store for you this lunar new year. Other things may also appear for you and this is just as appropriate. Marking the lunar new year allows you to goal set and take ownership of the power you have within yourself. Happy Lunar New Year!!
Sacred Space (altar, ritual space, a place in nature)
Sage/Cedarwood smudges or dried herbs to burn
Written intentions for the year
Green, Yellow, Red candles (all shades)
Spiritual tools or books that are guiding