Forewarned is Forearmed The planet mercury will go into a retrograde period March 15th and will stay that way until April 7th, 2025. These dates are just an approximation and some of us have begun to feel the effects as early as March 8th. So to help us all be a bit more proactive this post includes retrograde dates for all of 2025 as well.
Slowing it down A retrograde is when the planet is supposed to move in a certain direction and how we see it moving is a different direction. When this happens to the planet Mercury, all forms of communication are off kilter. So that means snail mail, email, cell phone, land lines, speaking to others, and speaking to yourself are just off. And don't even think of signing a contract or wonder why negotiations are not going well...Not to mention travel as well, so don’t be surprised about delays. If things seem to be going oh so wrong, sit back, relax and let things ride out over the next few weeks. Don't take things or people personally (especially yourself). Most importantly, remain open to the communication you do have which is with yourself. This relationship (the self one) has the potential to grow at leaps and bounds during the retrograde.
To Know Before The retrogrades in the coming year will happen three times and it's an opportunity to show ourselves, ya know what, we can do this. Even as the God of Communication (the planet Mercury) does his usual trickery, we can move forward, albeit at a totally different speed. Remember retrogrades can be felt up to seven days before its onset and sometimes seven days after it goes direct.
March 15–April 7: Mercury will be in retrograde in Aries and Pisces
July 18–August 11: Mercury will be in retrograde in Leo
November 9–29: Mercury will be in retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio
Heed these things
Word to the wise, do not negotiate or sign anything, be it contract, big deals or heck even a napkin deal. Why you ask, well because more than likely there will be miscommunication or misunderstanding. And for all of us thinking about buying a new, "supadupa" tech gadget, please don't or if you must get a sale price, and keep all receipts. The return process or malfunction is basically inevitable. Listed below are a few tips for dealing with retrogrades and you can also make up your own.
Mercury Retrograde Tips
Have more patience
Take more time to work internally on myself
Revisit old, solid relationships
Focus on things that will not waver
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