Sunday, November 14, 2010

The crowing of a Rebirth

Well as we are already into this Scorpio Lunar Cycle, I have been totally compelled to share. Even if I did not want to, the spirit guides have urged that I do so. And we all know when they urge, resistance is a waste of time. So welcome everyone to the time of the scorpion and more importantly, Pluto, a planet I feel is often feared.

Pluto to me represents that rebirth time. That uncomfortable and sometimes painful time when we must depart of the old self and strive forward to that new self. And really, Pluto does it, whether we like it or not. There is a total cleansing/resetting cycle that happens when Pluto takes center stage. To run and hide or even deny is a waste of our energies. Know that the rebirth is coming and ground your self and prepare for it. Even with Pluto's somewhat dark undertones, know that the dimmer environment is also a plus.

So, do we all need this at this moment? Yes! Are we going to be jumping for joy to grow and expand? Maybe not, however knowing that this is where we are currently is worth its weight in gold. Really take stock of what is rebirthing it's self in your life, then quiet your life and midwife the entire experience, whether you be man or woman.

Personally, I am being challenged now in all facets of my life and the beautiful thing is these experiences (although they can prompt me to squirm) are morphing me right into the posture I must assume in order to truly rebirth. There is no choice, if I can read the writing on the wall, all is as it should be now so that soon all will be as it will be.

Scorpio Cycle Herbs and Flowers




Scorpio Cycle Animal Totem-Spider

I can change good and bad at any moment

Know that I can consume myself with fear and limitations

New alternatives are always an option

Recognize successes I have already fostered

My life is eternally expansive

To try to lead me and all of us towards our work this cycle I have decided to do a Lunar Cycle pull based on the past, the present, and the future, since I have been talking about all of this rebirth stuff. As always, take from this what you need it to be for you and spring board to wherever you are to go.

Scorpio Lunar Cycle Messages

Past Messages

Complete water rituals (big and small) daily

Seek guidance from water when challenged

Present Messages

My transformative source will evolve when I connect to my past

Current messages are clues to the this life

Future Messages

The best for me is yet to come

Brightness is here, even if I can not see it

Patience and letting go of worry will unlock my greatest future

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome back to yourself...

Yes it has been sometime, but often things need to be given time off. So, I say to all of you who have been following or looking, the blog is back. This morning I have gifts upon gifts to bestow upon us all. Since it is the beginning of the Lunar Cycle, take these notes and devise your own set of intentions for this lunar cycle and check in on yourself when things get a lil rocky.

This new Lunar Cycle in Virgo is absolutely beautiful. It's the only word I could even think of to describe how amazing this time is right now. Virgo, which can be the time of organization and getting things in order, also represents a time for friendship and is the embodiment of the teenager. This all brazen, all bold, all bewitched period in life is usually marred by hormones, peer pressure and awkwardness, but to recapture that energy, that spirit, that reckless abandonment is a fine gift for those of us physically and spiritually (one hopes) past that phase.

As a teenager let us delve deeper into this phase and that leads us to the fairest of them all, Mercury. Mercury, at one time our biggest supporter and challenger is a time for unabashed honesty. A communication specialist, Mercury will help us to find out things we often do not want to know or remember. But alas, communication is communication and with Mercury it is often all or nothing, with a little tricks thrown in for fun. In this time and space I say to us all dare to think outside of the prescribed version of ourselves. See ourselves as the source sees us, great, amazing, gifted, and endowed. I am learning more and more that I am what I have been working towards. The only thing that needs to change is my perception of myself. Once I have mastered self perception, the rest is just child's play. So to us I bring forth the following messages.

Lunar Cycle Messages

Humbly stay at my knowing space

Accept, trust and know that truth is mines

As I simply be, all I desire will manifest

I am the total Wo/Man

Lunar Cycle Totem-Otter

As always I am finding messages and information from all corners of my existence, so this morning the animal energy that came up was the Otter. I encourage you all to research it for yourselves and find what speaks to you. Below are a few of the gifts that I thought the otter offered.

Make space for others in my life

Share my bounty

Enjoy the state of receiving

Flow with life

Lunar Cycle Herbs and Essences

The following herbs/essences can be used as incense, fresh cut flowers, aromatherapy oils, or a picture of that herb or essence. All I suggest is that you look to this natural being for inspiration and a reminder of those intentions you are setting at the beginning of this lunar cycle.

Clary Sage (Clarity & Wisdom)

Lemongrass (Passion & Uplifting)
