Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Equinox can turn my life upside down

Blessings this foggy and mythic morning. This crisp mixed summer and fall day brings to mind the image of birth, life and new beginnings. As we proceed into another season of the year, Autumn, I say to us all that this equinox is setting up to be quite a powerful one. Now why birth you say? Well as if an equinox is not enough we are also joined at this point by the planet Cancer and his magical mother the Moon. Quite a couple to usher in any event in life, but at a turning point in the seasons and on this planet it means we, yes you and me, have such an opportunity to turn things the way we want them. Yes it will take work, but these types of points are laid out for us because the Creators want us to be successful.

So, back to birth. Yes we all were born, but we all can also be reborn and that takes only us and our commitment to personal evolution. And, I am going to suggest we look at this rebirth as a release or a ridding of things that are not productive to who we really are in this lifetime. I am also not even surprised that all of this lines itself up during a Waning Phase. At first I felt some kind of way about not posting during the Full Moon, but ya know what, what I am charged to say is for a time such as this. Let me put it in plain English. As this Waning Phase of the moon is here it is totally fortuitous for us to use the Eternal Mother energy of the Moon to rebirth or put to death portions of ourselves that are no longer necessary.

For me, well, as always I am looking to better myself, but recently I hit a true low with myself and out of that rock bottom place has come clarity, appreciation for the fires of pain, and an ultimate spring board to where I am to be, making decisions I need to make and the knowledge that I am going where I am supposed to be; My Evolved Self.

Below are areas to explore when doing work during a time when the Moon is prominent. Feel free to take these areas and expand or contract them to be exactly what it is that you need to focus on during this Waning Phase.

Work in the Moon

Inner Healing

Welfare of Children

Connection to cycles

Casting off illusions

Waning Phase Totem-Bat

To rebirth I must break down all notions of my former self

If I resist changing the results could be painful

I entered the world upside down, so transformation will send me for loops, expect it

Herb/Essences for the Waning Phase

Try incorporating these as incense, essential oils, aromas, images into daily life during the remainder of the Waning Phase

Eucalyptus - Healing

Lemon - Love

Sandalwood - Spirituality

Autumnal Affirmation

In order to enter the next phase of me I must submit,

Knowing that this submission will bring about a magical rebirth,

If I resist or embrace fear challenges will abound

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