Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dream the possible dream, you dreamer you....

Well on this auspiciously Autumn morn I want to bring a small token of thoughts, questions, and dictates to all of us. The moon, in her Waning Phase has just entered Gemini, which is ruled by none other than Mercury. Now this Waning time is best for ridding one's self of things we no longer need as we finish up this lunar cycle and prepare ourselves for the next cycle. So, this time is for endings, purgings, tying up loose ends, and being totally honest with ourselves about the "real deal" around certain situations. In essence, we are given one last stretch to really allow magic to happen in our lives.

What does all of this mean for us? I know some of you know who Mercury is and what power Mercury can wield. Keeping that in mind, also know that aside from being the ultimate Trickster, Mercury represents communication. Yes, that is right, our efforts to dialog, understand, transmit, and receive all may be in peril right now, but these things may also be on the upswing in our lives. Take this possibly stressful thought of miscommunication or noncommunication as a time to do something different and that is DREAM. Why yes, I said it. Our dream time also offers us communication with a part of ourselves we rarely reach on a waking level. Go the distance, take the leap, do the work. It is Autumn season, a time we work possibly harder than we do other times of the year, it's okay, it will pay off. Dream that dream you were afraid to dream, dream that dream that did not come true before, dream that dream that seemed impossible. No matter what you do, JUST DREAM!!!!!

Okay, so always willing to put my money where my mouth is, I too need this Dream mandate. I, just like you all, am susceptible to the curve balls and loops that life throws, I had to be reminded in a dream that DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE. But first I must believe. So my energy during this Waning Phase will be focused on understanding the power of my dreams and getting out of my own way and letting them unfold. Period!

I suggest, if you feel up to it, keep a dream journal by your bed, just for the remainder of this cycle (over the next 11 days), write down as much as you can remember. Then pull out the main things you remember, a person, a place, or even things, these are the motifs. Look the motifs up here and just see what you come up with. I must warn you its quite a revelation and can be habit forming, LOL.

Below are areas that we can make great strides in when the moon is moving through a sign that is Mercury ruled

Work in Mercury

Balancing an Imbalance

Journeying (spiritual/physical)


Waning Phase Herbs/Essences

Sweet Orange



Waning Messages & Meditations

Know my shadows and let them walk with me

Pay attention to all of my dreams, be it night or day

My life can be previewed in my dreams and manifested when I am awake


z said...

so, this a.m. up at 6 with the girls and decided to walk through the house to 'take inventory' of what's what. made the decision to invite the One over for breakfast and spend the day. now that he's here, i'm meditating on the courage i need to have the hard conversations that i've been avoiding. my dream is consistently mediated by fear. your post makes me realize that we even fall into non-communication with ourselves.

so, here's to Mercury and clarity in thought and action.

Drea Thompson said...

Z, its okay to have fear, just let it walk alongside you are you make the decisions, have the conversations, and understands the realities that are you life at this present moment

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