Can you believe it? We, that's right, all of us, have made it to the full moon again. This is the time of the lunar cycle where things come almost to a climax of sorts. It technically represents the mid point of our lunar cycle and naturally can be a check in point. So, if you've set out intentions or tasks at the beginning of the cycle, do a bit of quality assurance work now.
Forward by way of backward
This full moon comes just as we have gotten out of the gate of this new year. So I know, for most of us new year resolutions, plans, or speculating is all the buzz. I am going to throw a bit of a monkey wrench into all of that and say. Yes, we are looking to our futures, but how about we do that with some reveling in our past. And mind you, my reveling is not reliving or romanticizing. I am talking about cold, hard, focused absorption of a certain kind of energy and then coming quickly back to the present. In our selves we have all the answers. Our experiences have been our teachers and our lessons have been the footsteps we have taken closer to our actualized and greater selves. So you see, the past will serve us well if we are willing to open truly and honestly to our inner knowing.
Absorbing what I already have
This particular full moon (in Cancer) is ruled by the Moon, so there is so much enlightenment, love, and nurturing available to us this time around. My focus will be on finding the exact points in time when I exercised total confidence, self love, and motivation to conjure up the unimaginable. Once I have those points I will actively absorb that power and transport it back to me in present time. I know, sounds very Sci-Fi, but it's what we all have the ability to do, when we use the powers we're given. So, will let you all know how it goes.
Nothing to it, but to do it.
Below are areas or domains that are good to work on during the Full Moon. Select from this list or a derivative of it. Also strike out on your own, it's lunar time so go inside figure out what you want to work on and DO IT! There's nothing else to it. Do not let the magic of this full moon pass you by.
Work in the Full Moon
Love, Passion, Attraction
Abundance & Prosperity
Blessing your Space
Courage of Heart
Spirituality & Inner Awakening
Candle Power
During this Full Moon time it can be awesomely powerful to burn candles to cement that which you are working towards. Below is information on the candle color that can be associated with the properties of Moon, the ruler of Cancer. Find safe candles, burn them as long and as much as you like. Fire is a creation tool use it to ignite yourself towards your goals this Full Moon.
Expansive Intent
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