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Made it back the middle
Yes! We are here! At that Full Moon time again. Although the moon looks full it will become it's fullest sometime during the day on Tuesday February 7th. So, we all have time to digest what is before us, set our strengths to HIGH and make it all happen. Going to set it all up for us...let's we go!
The light of Lions
This Full Moon is in the luscious, lovely, and lavish sign of Leo. Now, before we jump out the gate with our assumptions of Leo (me included), after careful thought and understanding I realized that Leo is such a beautiful ally for all of us, not just for those born under the sign. The power that thrusts, pushes, and drives anything related to Leo is the SUN, that wonderful agent of warmth, smiles, rays, and hope. Think for a have you felt on the first sunny day after a week of grey days? AMAZING, right? Want to know why? Well the Sun has the ability to illuminate all things and this lighting of the way is directly related to healing, transforming, and forward movement. We need the Sun in our lives just as we need the moon, it's an essential tool. So capture the rays this Full Moon, conjure up the self, space, or life you want. Ask the masculine energy of the Sun to protect, provide, and parent you to the you that is to be. Do not accept less than your desires. Have the courage of a Lion to roar your way through whatever intentions you are asking for during this Sun blessed Full Moon.
The lost key found
This Full Moon I am accepting me, right where I am, just as I am, because I am. I am committed to getting off the conditional track I often run when I am challenged (you know that "if I could just, then I would"). And the really ironic thing is that this is not the first time I have come to this point, it also may not be the last time, but I am happy to be right here as I am knowing that this fantastic feeling is always available to me. The more I learn the more I realize we all have exactly what we need, it's the accessing it that's the key. So, this Full Moon I am taking my key and placing it in the keyhole and turning, knowing full well that the UNKNOWN is beautiful, heart swelling, and destined.
Set out what to illuminate
Below are areas or domains that are good to work on during the Full
Moon. Select from this list or a derivative of it. Also strike out on
your own, it's lunar time so go inside figure out what you want to work
on and DO IT! There's nothing else to it. Do not let the magic of this full moon pass you by.
Work in the Full Moon
Love, Attraction, Passion
Abundance & Prosperity
Space Blessing
Courage of Heart
Spirituality & Inner Awakening
Candle Power
this Full Moon time it can be awesomely powerful to burn candles to
cement that which you are working towards. And since we are dealing with the Sun and the concept of Illumination can be of assistance, take advantage of the light. Below is information on
the candle color that can be associated with the properties of the Sun, the ruler
of Leo. Find safe candles, burn them as long and as much as you
like. Fire is a creation tool use it to ignite yourself towards your
goals this Full Moon.
True Courage
Self Awareness
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