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So as the moon moves from the maternal like sign of Cancer and into the pretty faced sign of Leo, I say shine that light upon what will assist us all in evolving to that other level in 2013. The New Year will dawn during the beginning of the Waning Phase of the moon, which is a time when we can make space for what we want to manifest. So instead of coming up with trumped up surface goals, sit, meditate, and listen to that inner you. What do you want to change? What do you want to keep the same? Any out of your league goals you been thinking about recently, go ahead, dare to decide to make them come true.
Once you have devised what you want in 2013, then cement these goals by writing them down. And when you write these out, go for it, make a ritual or ceremony of it. Sit comfortably, wear something that inspires you, possibly play music that is aligned with where you want to go next year. Online and written out goals are probably our best tool for true completion. Whatever you choose to do be sure it is from the heart, you are not constructing anyone else's goals but your own.
For clarity, focus and direction below are just four areas I choose to categorize my own goals of the new year. I suggest you try to be as specific as possible when planning. A wise woman once told me that often times when we ask the universe for something we are too general and when that generality gets delivered we are often disappointed. GO FOR IT, all the way, all you can do is be successful!
New Year's Evolutionary Goals
My personal goals are the things are me, the spirit. All of my issues or lessons that need re-learning or positive reinforcing were written in this section. And believe me I spared no areas, just plain old self truths. Shatter any preconceived notions of who you are in this section and allow yourself to spread those royal wings for their is a flight of unparalleled proportions on its way.
As a person with many interests this area seeks to organize and increase that which I am doing. It's not enough for me to have a gift, what am I doing to share it, develop it, and take it to that next level. This area for me probably is the place where I will take the most risks, but it's worth it!
This area is one of the biggest struggles for all of us, but it is also an area where we can see the most amazing transformations, once we have decided we are worth it and concentrated our efforts. I know in the last year I had to realize, from my goals, that I was giving myself permission to earn quite a bit more for those earnings would allow for me to manifest in ways I would never have thought.
Health and Well Being
And yes finally, how many of us have our well being in the forefront of our minds? Probably not many, me included. I wrote and spoke into existence a me that is constantly checking, assessing, and balancing my health and well being. In our world where we have pushed our environments to the limits none of us can afford to take our health for granted. My mission this year is to make my well being my #1 priority and keep it there.
I say thanks for reading through this, but more importantly I say CONGRATULATIONS to all of us for taking the time to develop these goals, write them, speak to ourselves or others and then the courage to post them where we see them daily or almost daily. What power we all are invoking and once we see these goals materialize just think of the other magic we will conjure up for humanity and this planet. The Age we are entering is one full of strides, make sure you know which direction you are headed NOW!
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