Tuesday, February 23, 2016

When within Rises

credit: in5d.com
The first full moon
Happy Full Moon in Virgo. Today marks the first full day of this first full moon of our Year of the Red Fire Monkey.  True to form this full moon is something different which I suspect will happen most of this lunar new year.

Things for a full moon
When the moon grows to her fullest point it is advisable for us to do our personal check ins. A bit of time to reflect, reorder and recommit to our intentions set for this lunar cycle just a few short weeks ago. 

 Prescription of being
With all the fanfare and motion that is associated with full moons (increased sexuality, werewolves, or fools even) the idea this particular full moon may seem antithetical. The message that was given for this full moon is for us to take our energy and set it on OURSELVES. Our progress lies in our ability to go within, draw upon the great power source and gently absorb. This process of absorption will heal us, make us stronger, help us love more and eventually evolve beyond where we are right now. 

You can be too
We gain traction when we turn our energies inward.  The largest leaps will come from emanation, that state of being, not doing. So, are you ready to be and not do? Well, start with quiet time, maybe add a bit of soothing sounds, then be there, present and without wandering of the mind. Doing just that will definitely take us more than just this full moon, but starting it will have the most amazing outcomes.

More of my being
My practice of emanation will revolve around a daily practice of quiet time, journaling, and listening.  Being actively present is a challenge for me, but i know with practice I can master it.  My hope is when I reach the next new lunar cycle I am more grounded in being!

Be who you be
You are so ready for being. Ask yourself the questions that you never had time to answer before.  Take time in your busy day to be and see how you fare.  Most importantly, get in there, jump in, and see where the beautiful road takes you. There are no cliff notes or short cuts, in order to be you just have to BE! Below are mantras and some candle power suggestions to start you on this being journey.

Full Moon Mantras

I Emanate Within

I can just Be

I focus my Power inside of Me

Being is an Active state for Me 

Candle Power

At the Full Moon there is an awesome amount of power available an a way to cement that power and your works is by burning candles.  Below is information on the color yellow associated with Virgo (yellow is for Mercury, the ruling planet). Find yellow candles that are safe and burn them as long and as much as you like over the next 2-3 days. Fire is a tool of creation and stands in the direction of the South.  Ignite your soul towards its power this Full Moon.


credit: teiko.dornor.blogspot.com

Mental Agility

Manifesting Change

See my World as New

Be Who I Want to Be


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