Thursday, December 13, 2007

E to the fourth power...A waning moon's tale

E to the fourth power...the moon is waxing

That’s right the moon is now waxing, meaning, it is building its light on the way to the full moon. And this time its in the fabulously friendly sign of Aquarius. A sign known for its strides in getting, being, and keeping friends.

Personally I am using this Aquarian energy to Empower my Expansions with each experience. Yes, its alliterative, but more importantly its merging of this waxing moon with my overall goals for this entire lunar this cycle.

I must say the planetary lineup really has my energy at a place of wonderment these days, but rather than running, hiding, or making drastic decisions, I am choosing to breathe, take things to the altar, and be open to accept whatever lies ahead.

Take a look at your relationships, make sure you truly understand the responsibility you hold in their existences. I am sure this is enough for you to digest, so foreward...

Work in AquariusBringing dreams into reality
Remembering Dreams
Idealism & Artistic Endeavors

Below are messages received from divining, meditating, and writing.

Waxing Moon Messages
North-Earth Element
Celebrating creativity will give way to amazing occurrences

South-Fire Element
Be fired up about our physical/spiritual environments
Ask for true awareness of your environments

East-Air Element
Home is improving, gradually

West-Water Element
Leaps are what create major transformations
Step on out.......and allow the universe her divine pleasure to do the rest

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