Friday, December 28, 2007

Shining like the SUN....corner illuminations

Bringing back the light. That’s what this waning phase is really about. During the waning moon emphasis should be on preparing for the coming new moon and removing things from your life that YOU ARE WILLING TO LET GO. That’s right folks, we are going to have to give up some or all of that emotional baggage we are carrying around for free. For all the times you have felt it was too dark to move, for all the days when you wished things were a little lighter, for each chance you realized you didn’t have enough light, here he is...LIGHT and in the brazen sign of Leo. It has been properly placed at the end of this calendar you. Are you seeing a setup, I think so.

I know for me, this waning time is going to focus on my ritual process and me as a ritual process. I am going to use this light to shine into every part of ritual I create, intuit, and recall from my ancestral memory. Also, I want to take into the new calendar year a person, far different than the one who entered 2007, but one who is fully aware of all that she has learned and the necessity for all the events in my life this past year. Whew! That was reflective. In a nutshell I will release any negativity and keep all the positivity and growth.

The Sun, Ruler of Leo, is one who likes to shine, but be aware that shining also exposes things, make sure you have your things in proper order for LIGHT does not play favorites. Shadows may see light for the first time in ages, allow those shadows to develop into actual blessings. No matter what you find in the light see each entity as a gift.

Work in Leo
Recognition and Fame
Control and Defense

Herb/Flower Essences for this Waning Phase

Waning Moon Messages

North-Earth Element
Stand in the light, seeing all that I need to see
Symbols/signs will be provided ask for openness to recognize them
Don’t expect in stillness, accept
Step into yourself each and every moment

South-Fire Element
Sacredness of the Self
Within myself the sacred space grows with each moment
Self sacredness is often found in the practice of refuge/retreat

East-Air Element
Walk over life’s coals, only to emerge with new feet that take me on unimaginable journeys
Access the rhythms in life to grasp the rhythm of life
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in again

West-Water Element
Be willing to go through the process to grow anew
With old there is new
Relax into this new birth, true birth, me birth


Anonymous said...

This is absolutely Amazing. Drea I'm so proud of you. I Love the info. It is ON POINT. Keep shining in the light! This is a great reminder for me to get my Sh@*t together so that my mess won't be exposed by the light, but also that there is light to bask in and look forward too. Serahs a Leo so the moon being in Leo right now she will bask in her emotional Glory and Light. Peace.

Anonymous said...

The element of surprise keeps me growing more and more into faith. Your statements about letting go of the negativity and embracing the positive is the only way to encounter growth. Andrea I am so proud of the spiritual and personal growth that you have shown in your 34 years of being a daughter. peace and blessings to you. APS

Anonymous said...

Congrads on your new blog.

Tracy S.

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