Friday, February 8, 2013

A river running through us?

What has slithered in
Yes, there is a winding, curving, moving entity coming our way.  This being is not the traditional body of water you are probably thinking of.  The lasting loops coming our way is that of the Water Snake year as it will be delivered to us all on Sunday, February 10, 2013.  The sixth in the sign of the Chinese Zodiac, many great things are burgeoning.

The Serpent's blessings
The Snake (in the element of Water this time) will be a good time to get our finances in order, begin to really research endeavors that interest us and lastly make sure we find a safe space from which we can turn our greatest wishes into beaming realities.  Intuition, transmutation, and protection are forces that we will be able to capture this year.

The Age Aquarian
Because all of this happens when the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, we must always remember our inner humanitarian, who will be our moral compass, our guiding light, our best friend to the end.  Often associated with New Age endeavors, commit this Lunar New Year to usher in your own personal Age that is New.  New in the sense that we can be brand new.  We can reach for our greatest selves and re-imagine, rejuvenate, and re-make the person we are.  We've got the next 13 moons to do it.

The entire cycle is for me
My purpose this Lunar New Year drives me towards a wholistic approach to transmutation.  Although I've attained it before I have struggled to maintain that deep understanding of life-death-rebirth.  Sometimes I just hold to the death and elongate the rebirth.  No more, I do have the power to change this reality and I am choosing just that.  For me the Water Snake will nourish me and strengthen me see the necessary steps on the trinity of creation, that being life-death-rebirth.

Things to mark this Snake
See the elements that could be a part of your intention setting, your ritualizing, your cementing the power of this beautiful Lunar New year.

Lunar Year Totem - Snake

Think, Act, and Desire to Transmute

Know I possess Fire Energy

Amalgamate the Female and Male

All life's poisons can be altered

Lunar New Year Colors

Red - Determination, Energy, Passion

Yellow - Mental Agility, Manifesting Change

Lunar New Year Elements
Use these tools as often as you like or need: daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly.  Set the space, make the time, do the works.

  • Journal
  • Sacred Space (altar, ritual space)
  • Stones or Rocks 
  • Water or water related objects (shells, sand)
  • Sage or Rosemary smugdes or dried herbs to burn (clears the energy of spaces)
  • Written Intentions for the year as a visual, living, reminder
  • Candles colored to match your intentions
  • Spiritual tools or books that are helpful


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Blessings betwix the Winter and Spring

Celebrated on February 2nd of each year, Imbolc is a celebration to many, spiritual and cultural, as the mid point that is between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.  It is thought to be a dawning of the Sun, a source of power and light that is desperately needed on the planet not just for warmth or growth, but also for illumination of all kinds.

As one who is paying more attention these days to nature, my health, the world and many customs I find it interesting to take the time to see my actual progress on a day like Imbolc. When paying homage to this often grey time of year, I suggest we find the beauty in it's existence for if there was no mid point there could be no Spring. 

To make this time more focused I propose we select a focus for today; Creation and Creativity.  Both really simple concepts right? Well, as always, the most basic things are really quite layered when we really dig deeper.  Listed below are questions I am venturing to ask myself today and I am committed to giving myself honest answers back, not what I think should be the answer, but what really IS the answer. Feel free to ask yourself these as well or make up your own questions surrounding creativity, mid point, or illumination.

Creation and Creativity Questions

  1. Am I insulating my creativity and using it conservatively?
  2. Do I properly use breath control in my creation process?
  3. As I create have I realized that I have my own personal song and it will constantly change?
  4. Have I realized that I can spark my own self resurrection if I am willing to go deep within to find it?
  5. Will I show who I am and not breach the creativity I have for fear of losing parts of it or myself
Some of the above are a tall order, but guess what? We are worth it.  So here we go...towards the most creative and progressive strides we have ever known.  This time of the year in particular when we want to hibernate I say to you, me and anyone who will listen, see the coming Sun, know Spring is just a few weeks away, push our way into the best parts of ourselves.  Now these days ahead will not necessarily be easy, but they will be and as such we must be there as well, might as well make our there the Greatest we have to give.

Here are some Imbolc symbolism to notice, use, or let serve as a benchmark.  Use them, think about them and make them a part of your creative process.  

Imbolc Scents



Imbolc Elements


Sacred Water

Hearth Fires

Yellow/White Flowers

Spiced Herbal Teas
