Saturday, July 12, 2014

Fire finding in fullness
More is more
Alliteration aside.  There is much power upon us.  At approximately 10:24am this morning the moon went into fullness in Capricorn.  The really great news is that this full moon is considered a "Super Moon", meaning the moon is closer to us, appears to be larger and ultimately lays more lunar power at our feet.  Are you down to explore what more power can do? I am. We have hit that time of this Cancer lunar cycle known as Full Moon time and frankly it should be our peak.  Below are a set of questions to ask yourself during this time.  Just try them and be open to the answers. I am not suggesting you ask all of these at once, but at least take one or two to really think about over the next day or so.  

Full moon Questions
  1. Am I creating the life I want?
  2. Is my attraction of love, prosperity and long term goal achievement where it should be?
  3. Which archetype am I aligning with and why?
  4. Am I where I should be on my spirit path

Learn by teaching
This particular full moon is in Capricorn, the sign known for cleansing, limiting and most importantly karmic work.  But, all of these things are overshadowed by the ruling planet, fair Saturn.  Saturn, the ultimate Life Coach/ Teacher, gives us lessons in two ways: the easy way or the hard way (usually we choose unconsciously).  Let's try focusing on either or all of the following: getting ourselves together, ancestral connections, or the gateway to life and death.  So, yeah these are not the easiest things to think about, but they are some of the best things to focus on when Saturn reigns supreme.

So very close to making it
To bring this all home, I had a very "come to Goddess" moment with myself this afternoon while meditating for this blog post.  My focus this Super Full Moon is to get over the last hump with regards to true self acceptance. And I am not just talking about surface self acceptance, but rather that deeper, pervasive acceptance that says no matter what "I am okay" just as I am. This has been a battle most of my life but I am SO CLOSE to winning and I want to exert the extra power of the full moon to create that reality for myself.  And you? Take the affirmation below as a starting point.  Make the most of this magical full moon time.

Full Moon Affirmation

I must know what motivates, inspires, and sparks my being,
I will use the full moon to question my passion, self, and drive

If I am not satisfied with where I am in life I must
use the fire inside me to cleanse, burn and re-emerge a new self

If I struggle I'll tap into my ancestors by seeing them through the flame of fire where the messages live for me



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