Monday, June 6, 2011

Sign on the road says "My journey has a guide"

So, all of us are on our individual and collective journeys right? Well the universe and all the spirits are granting us a pit stop during this Gemini Lunar Cycle. At this pit stop we all can find our own guide books for ourselves courtesy of Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini. This guide book is the road map, the large and small scale models of our journey thus far, and the all important legends of what things truly are in our lives. Let us use the powerful, yet often times misunderstood magic of Mercury to alter, re-direct, and swerve onto the path that we need at this moment. One of the biggest gifts from Mercury is inner knowing and true self knowledge. Okay, the stage is set for us, let's make it happen.

My focus this cycle will be on freeing myself from expectations of all kinds. I intend to be that diversity and change that I expect from the world, knowing full well I have all the tools at my disposal to morph and tweak myself when necessary. Self knowledge is a journey and I am grateful that Mercury is my always there to tap or pound me into remembering I do possess the power to know my journey, inside and out.

How about you? What will your focus be for the remainder of this fabulous cycle, which will include a full moon eclipse and the summer solstice? Below are things to work on during Mercurial times,

Work in Mercury

Journey Assistance

Inner Knowledge

Reflection of imbalance

Head Clearing

Gemini Lunar Cycle Totem-Black Panther

Enter darkness willingly

Darkness holds acceptance, access to hidden truths, and healing

Ability to free myself from expectations

Flower/Herb Essence

Clary Sage-Inner Wisdom

Lavender-Love of self and others

Lemongrass-Passion of all kinds

Gemini Cycle Affirmation

Please allow my inner wisdom to float to the top of my understandings each and every moment of this cycle,

With this wisdom I will ask for assistance knowing full well that receiving is an important part of life's cycle, and

That the love and the light that I have for myself will be reflected for all that I come in contact with until the moon is dark again


Marialuz said...

right on time again! i tried to comment yesterday but alas mercury has his ways lol! today's read has brought a new perspective. THANK YOU for reminding us that darkness can bring healing and that when we walk towards it willingly our healing is even more thorough. GIVING THANKS too for the reminder of the "roadmap." there is a method to this madness ;) and the signs are there if we just stop and look. thanks sis, i really can tell you enough how this medicine makes my walk so much brighter!

EvieB said...

Thanks for this. I have definitely been in a space of working to "vibrate higher" and leaving all the dense stuff behind. Started re-reading the Power of Intention again and its making more sense than before. I am also working on freeing myself of expectations- they are kind of wack. Instead focusing on revering the past for making me who I am today, living in the present and making the best decisions possible to secure the future (but not living there). Its a balancing act...and I am working on it...


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