Power is settling all around us at this very moment. We are near to the fullness of the moon, but before that magic we will be blessed with a lunar eclipse that is surely already doing somersaults in our lives. Let me try to lay things out so we all can "get our houses in order"-so to speak :)
Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon lunar eclipse is a perfect time to just dialogue with the inner self. Unlike the solar eclipse, the power of the moon naturally beckons us to make changes to our inner world, our emotions and our self state. Not only can you check in during this lunar cycle, but really check in on yourself over the last half year, year, half decade or decades. Are you really the person you want to be? If not how can you make that a reality? Answers to these and any other thought provoking questions come from taking the time to ask. That is all it takes. That and a willingness to honestly see who you are.
Full Moon
A Full Moon is a peak time to work power, and not power in an external sense, but power internally, a place we shy away from for various reasons. Full Moons can be seen as Ripeness. During Full Moons there is increase in all sorts of energies and things occurring. We have often heard folklore tell of the “wildness” of Full Moons, well I propose it is the climaxing of the cycle, so get ready.... And what a beautiful climax it should be for us all this time. As we make our way to the midpoint of this Gemini Lunar Cycle, we must pause to recognize the royalty, omnipotence, and force of this Sagittarius Full Moon. And since Jupiter rules Sagittarius, the regal theme is throughout this full moon. Know that balancing solutions, purification, abundance, and broadening our vision are all available to us at this very moment. Below are some starting points of what to address with the Jupiter-Sagittarius energy available at this moment in cycle.
Full Moon Work
Love, Attraction, Passion
Blessing of Space
Courage of Heart
Inner Awakenings
Full Moon Concept-Reputation
During this time of gifting and blessings I think it may do us all some good to think of our relationship with our reputation. Not reputation in the high school popularity way, but rather the deeper understanding of how and why we project what we project to the outside world. Is there a disconnect in who we are and who we are perceived as? Do we need to boost up our "self-love" image? I know, who really wants to deal with this, but reputation is perfect for a time such as this. Below are some thoughts we can ask ourselves about our reputations. I know when I saw these questions, some of them did make me squirm. Remember squirming is a good thing, its shows us where the discomfort is and then allows us to address it.
Be sure to walk my talk
I can attract or repel on demand
My energy is so powerful it can seep out
Do I project negativity onto others that I need to address with myself
Be aware of what I am attracting
I can attract or repel on demand
My energy is so powerful it can seep out
Do I project negativity onto others that I need to address with myself
Be aware of what I am attracting
1 comment:
i've reread your post everyday since the 15th. Thank you for it! This morning it has been especially meaningful as it's encouraging me to really reflect on my contributions to my relationship--positive AND negative--and how my hesitation (read 'refusal') in making a major life change is based on a fear of disappointing others. --z
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