Leo and the Sun
The Sun, the ruler of Leo is the power of the light, that's right, exposure. Exposure can carry many meanings but for all of us this lunar cycle why don't we think of it as paparazzi, the ever encroaching flash of lights that exist to bring forth to us and the world who we are, not just who we are in our heads. Use this revealing and illuminative time to extract any negativity, self doubt or self degradation, for all of us have some of it somewhere, tucked away. Sun time should be beautiful and a complete PR spin, but before we go there, we must know exactly who we are and what about ourselves we want to evolve, that's right its all about our journey in this lifetime.
Mercury in Retrograde
Now doing all of this is good and grand and dandy but in a mercurial retrograde, it can be tricky. Let's get some clarity on that. Mercury in retrograde is when Mercury, the ruler of communication, shifts all forms of communication as we know it. So, snail mail, email, cell phones, home phones, contracts, speaking with family and friends, speaking with strangers, and even speaking with yourself all are going to be askew from Aug. 2nd until Aug. 26th. Don't give up or feel frustrated take the opportunities to embrace silence, see nature or just chill. It's gonna happen whether we are ready or not, so ya might as well get ready.
My Work this Cycle
My personal journey this Leo lunar cycle is to find any blockages (whatever they may be), own them, do whatever work that needs to be done around them, then keep it moving. Wanna know why? Cause I got lots of love, success, and evolution to be about. My time away from home has once again reminded me, WOW, I have seen and done some things. So no false modesty, no comparison to others, its about to be straight knowledge of self (the Whole self).
Below are areas that may be good places to start when working with the power of Leo and the Sun.
Work in Leo Lunar Cycle
Drive away Inner Darkness
Face Inner Uncertainties
Attraction, Renewal, Success
Leo Lunar Cycle Totem-Bear "Introspection"
Allow myself to be introspective
Regain my own Authority
Embrace Receptive Energy
Use my Strengths to overcome my Weaknesses
Flower/Essences for Leo Lunar Cycle
Leo Cycle Affirmation
I am committed to giving myself the necessary time this cycle to know my inner most questions and answers
With these answers I will illuminate and provide clarity on things in my life that are lacking focus or direction
I will also be open to change in whatever form that may be
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