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Once every four years we are gifted with an extra day, some extra energy, an additional chance to get it right! Well on this coming Wednesday, that opportunity comes up yet again. I prescribe we think less of a Leap Year as the year of governmental leadership, but rather it's the year we take that necessary step towards our empowerment. Having said that, let's check where things are "lunarly" this Leap Year.
At this point in the cycle we have moved out of the New Moon space and we should all be diligently working towards our intentions. This phase of the moon is called "Waxing", meaning we are actively building and constructing our paths each and every moment. No second guessing, just movement and strides right now. This Leap Year is aligned with the Waxing Half Moon in Gemini, which some of us may know is Mercury ruled. Yes, Mercurial energy can be tricky, but knowing that fact puts us in a position to know how and what to ask for.
Now, this Leap Year I suggest we think about this one concept - Air. Let me explain. The sign of Gemini, although ruled by the planet Mercury, is also in the domain of the element of Air. Air, the breath, the wind, the mind, quite plainly put, the Inspiration. This element is essential to most life forms on the planet and we as humans are no different. Air is the creation of the concepts we accept, protect, and utilize in our lives. It also is that breath that we wield that at any given moment can change a situation, just by being cycled. So, this Leap Year, in this Waxing Moon phase, take the time to inspire you personal journey; INSPIRE yourself. Make the impossible, not only possible or plausible, but Performed or even Perfected! Mark this Leap Year as the year you took your life by the reins and lived it like no other.
To stimulate us during these coming auspicious hours of Leap Year magic, choose from some of the Air inspired elements to sprinkle that extra something on your efforts to create the magic that life has to offer. All of these below can be purchased or even made at home, search the internet there are endless ideas and recipes, it's what speaks to you.
Elements of the Air
Incense Sticks or Cones
Herbs on Charcoal
Votive Candles with Essential Oils
Spray Mists with Essential Oils
Petite and powerful message. Great instruction and reminders for a beginner. Inspired to move forward with my intentions.
"Make the impossible, not only possible or plausible, but Performed or even Perfected! "
I love this.
This is the year before the 4-0. My work is to get myself aligned and situated...but, wow, it's such a daily struggle. I'm going to make a list of what I'd like to accomplish, what I need to accomplish, and what I will accomplish. My impossibilities must be performed to be realized! I do so appreciate your new post. Needed it. --z
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