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Soaring in a full sky
As we look up into the dusk sky tonight we see a Full Moon that is still almost full. As such we are fortunate to have two more full days of magic, power, and conjure time at our disposal. For you see, Full Moon time is like no other during a lunar cycle. Although saying Full Moon brings to mind stereotypical images of fools, wolves, and craziness what it truly is, is spiritual energy surges that are unknown and misdirected. I liken this Full Moon as a time when we can take flight in ways we never have before. Let us soar to the highest of heights!
Gifts of the vivacious one
The Full Moon this cycle dawned in Virgo, that beautifully precise and detailed oriented child of Mercury. Okay, yes retrogrades are coming, but that's going to be another post, let's just focus now, while we still can, on harnessing all that the vivacious Virgo Full Moon has for us. Virgo time is about getting organized so this might be a great time to plan a trip, go through a closet that's been stuffed for months or just sitting and thinking "What is my plan for making my dreams come true?" Albeit energy and frequency for getting it together, Virgo also represents a wonderful time for compassion (self and others), domesticity, and believe it or not, friendships. So lots of pots to choose from right? Make a choice then begin to place inside that pot what you will need to execute your goals. The recipe is simple; you make it as you go along, LOL!
My Eagle who is led
Okay my Full Moon focus is this; I must properly understand my inner Eagle totem. I must add this is no easy medicine or dictate to complete, but I know that my ancestral mothers have prepared me so completely that all I must do is inhale the desire and exhale the reality. As a part of my journey what I am most concentrated on now is doing as I am truly told to do, not as I think I must do and for a soul born under the Sun Sign Virgo that is an accomplishment! All of y'all keep me rooted in this not only during this Full Moon, but whenever I need it.
Make use of the magic
Below are other areas in life that are good to work on during the Full Moon. Select from this list or make a hybrid of it and some Virgoan tasks. During any lunar time go inside to figure out what you want to work on and DO IT! That's all there is. Do not let the magic of this full moon pass you by.
Full Moon Work
Love, Attraction, Passion
Abundance & Prosperity
Space Blessing
Courage of Heart
Spirituality & Inner Awakening
Candle Power
At the Full Moon there is an awesome amount of power available and a way to cement that power and your works is by burning candles. Below is information on the color Blue that is associated with Virgo. Find Blue candles that are safe and burn them as long and as much as you like. Fire is a tool of creation that can ignite you towards your goals this Full Moon.
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Barriers to Self Awareness
Teaching & Learning
Focus & Refine Energies
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