Yes, we have entered into another round of the planet Mercury going retrograde, it's official. And no doubt you may have already felt its affects. The dates this time are March 12 through approximately April 4, however let's be proactive and give our selves a week on each side of that. So, for those of you just coming to this point, when Mercury retrogrades it gives off the impression of moving backwards, so things controlled by Mercury will be askew, to say the least.
So, this is how it's gonna be
Mercury, the planet often mentioned third when speaking astrologically, after the Sun and the Moon, rules communication. That's communication of all kind whether that's face to face, via email, via snail mail, Goddess bless you if you have a video conference or presentation during this time. Basically, anytime you may need to give information to another being or even yourself, communication can break down. Oh, don't sign anything if you can avoid it, guaranteed misunderstandings for sure, put it off if you can until after the retrograde. If not then dot "I's" and cross "T's" like there is no tomorrow. Having said that, this is not a charge for all of us to run and hide, but rather to walk with awareness and just give information extra time to be passed along. It's better than getting worked into a frenzy with out any results, right?
Discard that which is unwanted
This retrograde does happen to fall as the moon is waning, which means we have left the Full Moon, midpoint time and we are on the downside of this lunar cycle and now is the time to rid ourselves of unwanted energy, thoughts, things, and possibly people. We are each preparing our personal gardens for growth and it's just time to pull some weeds. Is this not a better time? As we adhere to the whims of Mercury it is a perfect opportunity to focus more on ourselves, our goals, our dreams, our challenges and the like. So, just do it, no need to stall. It's almost as if one of the best gifts Mercury bestows upon us is that we are given time to really see ourselves, in all of our beautiful messes, LOL!!!
So, here's what you could do
Now, do I even zen or meditate my way through all of Mercury's madness? Uhhh....NO! So, I thought I would give some quick and physical ways to try to reset when the madness is just too much during a retrograde. Please try these, and even comment below and let us all know what works for you. If you have something new share, I would love more tips on handling the retrograde myself!
Mercury Herbs
Anise, Clary Sage, Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint
These are a few scents that are associated with Mercury and can be selected for the tools below.
Burn Incense
Although this seems small, incense permeates the air and can quickly and easily affect and effectively change where we are at any moment. I have been known to walk around with a stick or two when necessary.
Make Mist Sprays
Water heals all, we know this and carrying that healing tool with you in a small spritz bottle, can give you just the necessary dose of reality, sanity, and energy. Nothing is wrong with a little spray here and there, even others might need it.
Carry Aromatherapy Oils
Anyone who knows me knows I basically walk around with several bottles on me and it's because I never know when I am going to just need a dab here or there. There are many companies and types, do the research find out which ones are right for you. I know these scents have saved my life on more than one occasion.
Just Laugh it Off
Can't tell you how many times I have realized about two seconds into something, Oh, it's Mercury. Gave me much more flexibility and less stress. Sometimes it's not you or them, it's just Mercury!
I wish all of us nothing but the best this retrograde. Feel free to come here and type in your screams or successes...Forewarned is forearmed!
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