Monday, August 20, 2012

This lil' light of mines....

It's Leo time isn't it?

The Sun, that which we could not fully live without, has noteworthy spiritual significance and we see this quite clearly now when it rules lovely Leo, the latest Lunar Cycle we inhabit.  Another time to intention set.  Another chance to meet ourselves halfway on your paths.  Another chance to allow spirit to guide us in the best direction we ought to go.  Comfortably settled in? I hope so.  Leo, a time of great shine and public recognition, can be a springboard for true illumination and challenge of our inner shadows or limitations.

The L-I-G-H-T

The Sun offers opportunity after opportunity to get it right.  Hiding things from ourselves during a time when the Sun is key is like sitting next to a blade of grass in oppressive heat and expecting to be in the shade.  Yeah, I know, not a great image, but that's what we do to ourselves when we ignore the light that is being bestowed upon us during a Sun ruled Lunar Cycle.  In a word this Lunar Cycle should be about LIGHT. Light to show us the way.  Light to reveal the hidden.  Light we can offer to others who are courting darkness at this time.

When to light and how to light

Let's be sure to take up our torches, our matches, our flashlights, and our auras of light and shine like our existence depends on it.  So when a person angers you, shine your light.  When you feel a personal downward spiral approaching, shine your light.  When we know we are right but someone else will not give in, shine that light. To be clear, light is being the best you that is possible in any and all situations.  Often times we are light shiners until someone pisses us off or steps across a line.  If we can still shine, even in the face of ridiculous circumstances, that's us finding our light and shining it.  Last thing, door mat impersonations not necessary, be a light bearer but not a push over, you know the difference, act accordingly.

Write it, write it, write it

My personal light to shine this cycle is about embracing the creativity I have within me and putting that energy into action.  The action this particular cycle is writing.  Writing about me, writing about my various art-forms and just speaking less and writing more.  Tapping that fire for the written word and riding out the wave of creation will gleen me amazing results, but first I must write.  So if you see me, talk to me or catch me over technology ask me "How's your writing?" that will keep me focused and then some.  When I hear it enough I will get in line.  Hope some of y'all hold me to these words, TRUST I need reinforcement just as you do.
What's your light gonna be?

Below are good realms to work on when the Sun is prevalent.  Take these and go where they lead you, whether it be these exact areas to work on or your own areas.  Also, check in when needed, my hope is to create a space where not only I speak but others as well.

Work in Leo Lunar Cycle


Belly Chakra

Attraction of Success

Dispel Negativity

Leo Lunar Cycle Totem-Dragonfly "The Power of Light"


Air and Water realms

True Wisdom

Lunar Cycle Flower and Herb Essences




Leo Lunar Cycle Affirmation

I am open to the awesome power that light brings,

I will carry my light with every step I take this cycle,

remembering it has the power to heal others as well as me


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