Looked up in the sky lately? Well in case you have been hiding under a rock we were blessed with a second full moon last month. Although it is officially September 1st, we still have about 18 hours or so left of fantastic full moon energy, better known as a Blue Moon.
Moon and magic
The full moon we are experiencing, or the Blue Moon, is a dose of that peak energy we have come to depend upon when the moon is at its fullest. So today there is still time. Time for metaphysicalities, time for a personal inner journey, time for....Magic. And please, not magic in a hocus pocus, juvenile way, rather the true magic we can make when we set our truest intentions out there and are willing to put in the necessary work to manifest a new reality.
Don't give up on you
Okay, sounds great, right. Now what? This full moon is in Pisces (the opposite of Virgo, the Sun sign we are in) and that means it's all about the planet Neptune and the deep down knowing and understanding that is often hidden from the outside world and sometimes hidden from our own selves. Hold tight to what it is that you wanted a mere few weeks ago when this cycle started. Don't be afraid to try for your dreams. We all too frequently give up on ourselves and our dreams just as they are about to dawn in our lives. As a person who knows about that intense tightness before a dream realized, I say encourage and strengthen cause it can be as good as we imagine it. It's the impetus to imagine in the first place that is the gift.
See the ugly inside
Since Neptune is near I am asking to see the ugliness that needs to be left alone, I am no longer that person so why carry that baggage still? No real reason for it anyway. I've gathered up my own courage to sashay on into my next phase of life....Have you?
Pick your success
A full moon always represents a great time to check, readjust, and proceed, try doing it in some of the following areas, you may be surprised at the success of it all....
Work in the Full Moon
Love Magic
Space Blessing
Candle Power
At the Full Moon there is an awesome amount of power available and a way
to cement that power and your works is by burning candles. Below is
information on the color turquoise that is associated with Neptune. Find Turquoise candles that are safe and burn them as long and as much as you like.
Fire is a tool of creation that can ignite you towards your goals this
Full Moon.
credit: barrickdesign.com |
Heart and Mind Balance
Attuning to My Higher Self
Spiritual Destiny
Life's Purpose
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