Sunday, September 16, 2012

A friend in me, is a friend indeed

Can ya feel it?
So, we all feeling it yet? Can ya at least tell that energies have shifted? I know I have with the coming of this new moon cycle all I wanted to do was self sequester, now granted, I was a bit stopped up this week, but it's almost as if my mind, body, and spirit are so in tuned with the cycling of the moon it even times a seasonal immune system reaction just when the moon was changing.  Okay, enough about me.  Some newness follows, hope it's useful.  Let's get into this.

Very, very, Virgo
The lunar cycle we find ourselves in is Virgo, the sign of my birth and the birth of many folks we all know.  Virgo, very much ruled by the planet Mercury, gives us an almost kismet opportunity to take a hard and long (well not that long) look at the simple yet complex concept of Friendship.  This topic has also been a subject of a few consults and conversations in the last cycle.  When Virgo rules the sky we often think of efficiency, criticism and analytics, but let's remember in the larger zodiac pantheon the earthly Virgin of Virgo is associated with the "Teenager" archetype.  Now, you tell me, were friends an important part of your teen years?

Friends in a cycle
Alright I've put it out there to lay focus on friendship, now how does this play into a lunar cycle you may be asking.  Well, at the beginning of each cycle we get to set our intentions on what we want, so what do you want? Friendship is such a vast vortex of non ending stems, so pick one thing that you think needs further investigation or transformation, set it, and see what happens. Can't hurt can it?  Remember our lives are what we create them to be so if you take stock of yourself and friendship and find out there are things you don't like it's just setting the stage for you make moves and change it, pretty cut and dry.  No fireworks, no cliff notes, no apps for it, just plain old work.

 Same everywhere?
Having said all of this you know I like to put myself out there on Front Street.  So, my trajectory for this cycle is to really explore what friendship means to me, especially with those closest to me.  Parent, child, lover, sister, grandmother, coworker, neighbor, relatives abroad, how can they all be what I need and I be what they need, especially when they are so different.  I've tried to pride myself over the years of being my authentic self in pretty much every situation, well am I the same friend in all of these situations and if I am no, accept it.  Stopping there, cause the words and questions could go on and on, but I think you get my drift.

Do you have a clue?
And you? What are you going to ask yourself?  This time instead of just the planetary or astrological domains, I came up with a list of thoughts around friendship that I think may work well as starting points for our focus during this Virgo Lunar Cycle.  Take a pick, pick one, make up one, or a combination of any of those.  I basically want all of us to use this positive, progressive energy for our personal and collective evolutions.


Defining Friendship
What is it, who fits that definition in my life?

Is this a concept I have accepted?

Letting Go
What are my signs friendships need to shift?

Do I have realistic ideas of who my friends really are?

New Friends
Have I made new ones, if not, why not?

Virgo Cycle Totem

Movement is life creating

Allow nature to flow, forcing is not needed

Set boundaries to my sacred space

New rhythms, teachings, and dimensions

Virgo Cycle Herbs & Essences

 Bergamot - Strength 

Lavender - Gentleness

Lemon Balm -  Calming



Marietta said...

Filling the energy shifts. Ashe!

Marietta said...

Feeling the energy shift. Ashe!

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