Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blessings are being bestowed

Dream your dreams
As the sun grows brighter in the northern hemisphere and we eek our way out of winter time we get a fabulous reminder of why we are only part of a greater whole.  The idealist and dreamy time of Aquarius is now upon us and it's just in time to save us from our own dark depths.  For those of us who feel like making our dreams come true is an uphill battle that's part of a long road there is a gift and this gift is one simple - Blessing.

Blessings calling
Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus and we can take that originality and stability in chaos energy and focus it just how we want it. I say let's bring into our reality the notion that blessings have and continue to be bestowed upon. Blessings that are as small as a bird singing a beautiful song or a blessing as large as moving one step closer to a life goal.  Both are recognition that yes our guides are hearing, and yes they give to us, but more importantly yes, our thoughts, our prayers, our wishes have been heard. Now to know we are heard and to have the exact moment when it may manifest is not quite the same thing. Someplace in all of that we have to exercise patience, gratitude and just plain ole common sense.  All things in good time is stated often cause it's true.

Wave my wand
This particular cycle for me is often like having a magic wand. I think it, I build on it, then POOF it manifests, almost with me doing very little of the work or at least that's what it seems like this time of the year.  Since this is the last lunar cycle before the Lunar New Year I think my jubilance springs from a place of, YAH, I have made it and WOW, there is more to come. Mainly I believe I am able to look back and reflect on the last 12 lunar cycles and know I have evolved, I have loved, I have been loved, I have experienced, and hopefully I have made a difference in lives and in nature.

Prepare yourself
With just a few more weeks left in this Aquarius lunar cycle begin preparing yourself and taking stock of this lunar year you have lived.  Know your highs and your lows and all that is in between.  As you do all of this below are tools to help you with all of this.  Be bold, tell your narrative just as you want to.

Aquarius Cycle Concept - Blessings are Bestowed

My Prayers have been Answered

Celebrate and Show Gratitude

Am I Obtaining Peace and Harmony

Aquarius Cycle Flower/Herb Essences

Amber - Water Element - Happiness

Copal - Fire Element - Consecration

Lemongrass - Air  Element - Growth

Aquarius Cycle Affirmation

In this time of idealism I am displaying joyfully my blessings 
that spirit has bestowed upon me,

I have a knowing deep in my heart that happiness 
is designed just for my life,

With the love and graciousness of this time I am balancing my sight, my gratitude 
and my comfort with receiving all that is for me.


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