Sunday, January 31, 2016

Me, the season 
On February 2nd we have the opportunity to mark Imbolc - a festival of the hearth and home, and a celebration of the lengthening days and the early signs of spring.  Imbolc is the dawning of the Sun as a source of power and light that is desperately needed on the planet not just for warmth or growth. Fire and purification are an important aspect as well.  So candles and fires can be a part of any celebrations. 

This particular Imbolc I suggest we hone our concept of hearth and home and make it an internal frame of reference. In essence the hearth and home we take care of is the one inside ourselves.  This Imbolc give energy and thought to YOU. Yes, just you! Although Imbolc is just February 2nd, I suggest we celebrate from Feb. 1st to Feb. 3rd, just to make sure we utilize the power that the single day has to offer.

Now in terms of how to celebrate, you be the judge. It can be a meal, a gathering of liked minded folks, a meditation, a walk in the woods or forest, a spa day, a day of reading, or a small gift. All acts of ritual and sacredness are welcome. The most important thing to remember is that our intent far exceeds any type of object or element that we can bring to mark this day. Below are questions to begin your exploration of hearth and home. Be free and see where these questions take you.

Questions for Imbolc

Do I know how to make me the focus of my energy?
Does my fire burn for me?
Am I willing to go farther for myself at Imbolc than before?
How do I access love and compassion for myself?

The Sun is returning and all things that you need to know will be revealed, you can count on that. Research, ask, and receive information.  Anything listed below is suggestion or springboard, your true focus will come from within you. See these symbols as pieces that help you construct your own puzzle for Imbolc based on self love, self compassion, ritual, and being blessed by spirit.

 Imbolc Symbols

Imbolc Goddess - Kwan Yin


 Imbolc Stone - Rose Quartz



Imbolc Flower/Essence - Redwood



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