Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wish upon a Winter Wolf

Full Moon breaks
This Saturday at approximately 8:45pm EST we will enter the Full Moon in the sign of Leo.  In this darker, cooler weather I am sure we all want to snuggle up and be blah, but this Full Moon presents blessings and magic that we can not ignore.

What it is
In general a Full Moon is that time during the lunar cycle when you check in or it can also be that time when an apex of intention may be reached, whatever the case I want us all to take note of where we are at this very moment then we can proceed.

Well, well Wolf
This particular Full Moon falls in Leo and its ruling planet is the Sun. That great beacon of light and hope always finds a way to bring that ray right back to us. So be careful with what you wish for cause these days are super potent. And while we are on the subject of potency, take note that this Full Moon is often known as the Wolf Moon. That's right the Wolf Clan is bringing us lessons, cohesion and strategy over the next few days so be open, be intentional, and be ritualistic when possible.

Waters of Wolf
On my meditation on this Wolf Moon I was told to be still, be strategic, and know that I hold all the power that the Wolf Clan has for me. This full moon I stand in my power, feel its vastness, and allow its energy to fall all over me like a waterfall.  Winter time is one of my favorites mainly because I give and accept some much, here is something else for me to take in.

Welcome the ritual
I suggest that with this Wolf Full Moon you create a ritual for yourself that you can complete for the rest of the full moons in this calendar year. Keep it simple or expand and make it grandiose, the choice is truly yours.  Ritual can be a meditation, a song, elemental materials (incense, candle, water, earthen object), movement, a walk, a meal. Please be open to creating what will bring you centering and closer to your spiritual self.

Making it more
Below I thought I'd give us all a bit of the medicine that the Wolf Clan has for us. Please see these messages as a doorway that you will open to find these things or whatever is there for you once you cross that threshold.  Be brazen, be humble, be beautiful, like the Wolf!

Wolf Totem

Meaning - Intuition, Ritual, Spirit 


My rituals are sacred

Order and harmony are a part of my life

I honor my family and younger people

I use all that is available to me

My inner voice is at the center of my decisions


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