Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The more you Be

In the Moon of May
At approximately 3:29pm EST on May 6th the moon will begin yet another lunar cycle. This time we are all blessed with the beauty and stability of the zodiac sign Taurus. Known sometimes as the Bull in the China shop, work during this time can be on material wealth, new employment, generosity, and love, but all of these endeavors are only exalted when homage is paid to the planet Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus.

Venetian Love
Venus, often misunderstood and underestimated, is an energy that exudes love, compassion, creativity, and gain. Yet most see only the surface of the power that is available when Venus rules the skies.  Just like many things these days Venus is taken out of context all too often to fit a certain purpose and you know what that leads to? Diminished capacity!!!!

Love Potion
So let's do our work this lunar cycle, listen for the true meaning of this cycle, and rise to the highest heights. Plus with a Venus driven lunar cycle, it's basically all love anyway.  A quick reminder, love is not boastful, or pushy, or aggressive, it is a soft, sweet tap to say HEY, this way. And that may be all it is, so listen carefully and no matter how small, heed all signs this lunar cycle.

Let it shine, let it shine
This cycle is my show and prove cycle to myself. There have been many strides I have made and I sometimes don't stop enough to honor those achievements, the guides who have helped along the way, and the progress that I, MYSELF, have made.  This Taurus cycle will be about recognition, appreciation, and confidence. After these 42 years of life I know each lunar cycle holds another step on my Red Road (spiritual path) and for that I am eternally grateful.

Size of intentions don't matter
What's your focus this cycle? Take time, whether it be a lot or just a quick meditation, but intention goes a long way in a lunar cycle. Know that you have all it takes to figure out what is a good goal. And please, don't bite off more than you can chew, remember smaller is bigger!

Work in Taurus Lunar Cycle


Heart's Creativity

Dream Your Future

Taurus Lunar Cycle Concept - The Power of Being


Know my Dreams are manifesting

Practice the being of my success

Being"ness" = Attracting my Dreams

Taurus Lunar Cycle Herbs/Essences


Amber - Water Element - Attraction

Lilac - Water Element - Clarity

Wisteria - Air Element - Wishes

Taurus Lunar Cycle Stone - Watermelon Tourmaline


Connect to the Heart Chakra

Road to the Higher Self

Joy in Relationships

Taurus Lunar Cycle Affirmation

I focus on the power I possess in BEing,

I no longer seek or search, but rather accept, surrender, and allow,

My new path of attracting and manifesting gleans all I desire and all that is divinely designed for me.


1 comment:

Queen of the Night said...

Right on time and point as usual! Thank you, my beloved sister/daughter of the Waters!!! Peace be with you, ❤️ Elise

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