Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mystery of the Mooning of the Moon

Well, another dawning of Mother Moon. Nothing but blessings are in store. This Cancer Lunar Cycle is a place of magic, mystery, and medicine. Look to this almost mid point in our lunar year as a gift from the Moon. That’s right there are just times in our lives when we are given boons, opportunities, and prosperity, just because. Now, this doesn’t mean that there won’t be work involved, but if any of you had the last lunar cycle like I had, work is something I am not afraid of. Focus on uplifting, reaching, attaining all those things that up until now, you may just have been apprehensive to try. Go got this and whatever you don’t have, guess who is right there behind you supporting you, THE MOON.

Now the reason I keep sending it back to the Moon is because capricious Cancer is ruled by not a planet, but rather the Moon. So yes, this lunar cycle the Moon will be dripping her divinely fabulous power upon us, if we are ready and waiting to accept. Cancer is a time for love, tenacity, and that emotive side of ourselves we try to hide. Be open, leap, head first, into a time when great strides can be made at becoming the evolved self that is waiting to take center stage in our lives.

My personal focus this cycle will be assimilating the cycles and rhythms that are me and the universe into my every moment's practice. Not just sort of recognizing something AFTER THE FACT, but rather walking right into a place knowing its a part of the cycle that is me. This way I empower myself to see beyond things that are occurring, not stopping on my journey for pieces that are necessary to the puzzle’s completing.

Below are realms the Moon may rule, think about what you want to concentrate on this especially powerful lunar cycle.

Work in the Moon

Inner Healing

Welfare of Children

Connection to Cycles

Casting off Illusions

Moon Herbs/Flower Essences



Water Lily

New Moon Messages

I inspire me
Being divine means self-care FIRST

Wavering is not an option
When I have intentions they are actualized
All aspects of me must focus on my goals

Receiving is active
Know the cycle of give and take

Leaping is true strength
Risk is an unfulfilled desire
Faith is an active attribute

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