Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dive into the place of power pinnacle

I welcome the power and possibility of the Piscean lunar cycle. We are on the brink of a great time in the lunar year. For Pisces represent the totality of all of the signs. So think about that. This cycle for us can be a barrage of experiences, moments of great lucidity, and a host of aha times. Yet, there is one catch, isn’t it always though. Since Pisces is ruled by the fare ruler Neptune, this is not child’s play. We will all have to have our evolved game faces on and ready for challenges as they come. Neptune’s energy is that type that will uncover the covered, illuminate the darkened, and suggest all types of spiritual leaps and bounds. As much of an obstacle jump as it may seem, it is a time of great blessings for those willing to go along for the ride. So...take a deep breath....then plunge into this cycle that will be full of so much....for the entire planet.

My Neptunian journey this cycle will focus on a place I have been before, but never with this much understanding, focus, and perspective. As a woman I am ever in search of a peaceful and loving relationship with my body, one that is true, honest, loving and beautiful. So, this cycle my focus is on increasing the psychic power I have in order to deepen that bond with my body. And of course this will fall right in the mist of Women’s Herstory Month, which in and of itself is a series of activities for me that will ultimately help me address my cycle foci. Below are areas in Neptune to work on, or any other portions of yourself that needs to take center stage. Keep in mind we are in New Moon time.

Work in Neptune

Inner Psyche Development

Altered states

Deep Waters

Flower/Herb Essences




Pisces Lunar Animal-Owl

Feminine, Moon, & Night Energy

Hear what’s not being said

See the darkness of others souls

Opportune place and time (timing)

True strength is gentle

Pisces Lunar Cycle Messages

Home is shifting itself for the better
Change has come to your domicile

Never question if I know...I DO
I must trust Me

The earth is an extension of ME
Take responsibility for my environment (all of them)
Mother Earth needs me

Know my walk is protected
Fear not others
My power of protection is extended to those around me


1 comment:

Marialuz said...

"As a woman I am ever in search of a peaceful and loving relationship with my body, one that is true, honest, loving and beautiful." - Thank you for these words!
