Sunday, May 24, 2009

Two becomes one, and one becomes equal?

We have made it full circle, back to the beginning of a new lunar cycle. This New Moon is pregnant with possibility. New Moon time is ripe for setting things into motion. Gather your thoughts and give them to the universe, but be sure to let go and experience, it ALL. This lunar cycle finds us in the dichotomously divine Gemini. Now, while a many frown upon the thought of two personalities, sharing the same energy, I say to all of us, let us have gratitude for energy such as Gemini. Without it we would not have that talkative, witty, social portion of ourselves that the public loves. Gemini is a good time to invoke new employment as well as new endeavors. Ruled by the always surprising Mercury, Gemini is definitely a time for expecting the unexpected.

So...set your intentions. Do the work that needs to be done, but then allow Gemini to work its magic of, BAM, here is what you have been waiting for all your life. It really is just that easy.

My walk over the next cycle will be around the concept equanimity as it pertains to detachment. Can I truly appreciate all that is yin and yang, positive and negative, masculine and feminine and detach? I charge myself to experience life, see it in vibrantly bright colors and not be swayed one way or another, but rather digest the lessons and move forward. Sounds like a piece of cake right? I will be checking in. Luckily, Mercury is due to go direct next weekend, so my self communication should be up and running at its optimum real soon.

Work in Gemini

New Endeavors

Dual Nature/Duality

Mental Health

Flower/Herb Essences

Sweet Orange (Sensuality)

Mandrake (Control of Spiritual Energies)

Peppermint (Clarity)

Gemini Lunar Animal-Beaver

Breath control for optimal health

Opportunity, action and construction of my dreams

Does my home need repair (of any kind)

Gemini Cycle Messages

North Messages
Inner divinity must be appreciated
Wake up my care of myself

South Messages
I am open to receive ALL

East Messages
Know what my soul wants
I must be ignited about my desires

West Messages
My body is an ever changing cycle
All cycles are to be honored

1 comment:

Sharing.... said...

You are appreciated. Thanks so much for sharing this.
