Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm coming the finish line....Oh snap...bout to enter another race!!!

Welcome to the culmination of what has been an amazing surge of energy, power, and lessons learned. And what better closer of this cycle than the ever instructive sign of Capricorn, ruled by that surreal Saturn, the teacher of all teachers. The waning moon phase can be marked by many perspectives, but I choose to look at the waning moon as the last gift the universe is granting us. Didn’t get it the first three segments, well here....take this...and be pleasantly surprised, mystified, and overjoyed. Closings of cycles are the best time to show gratitude, because guess what, I made it, you made it, we all made it. And...guess what else....we are beginning the journey again. Aren’t we just the most charged individuals on the planet, at this moment? Mother Moon contracts, think if this as the laboring period of this cycle and what lays ahead is the birth of a new us. Laboring in a Capricorn state allows some extra gifts, like a time to work on righting things in our lives through karma, cleansing, and perhaps breaking negative chains, but this sign is motivated by the great planet Saturn, who is a world all unto its self. Go on ahead with our bad selves. We are doing it because of the challenges, obstacles, and difficulties we have. Be okay with not getting it right, but rather getting it.

My focus this final phase will be to break old habits. Gone is the young girl unsure of what she knows. Here to say in the Goddess Woman-type who is bent on being exactly who she is to be in this lifetime, which means I can not, will not, and should not hold onto things that are of no use to me. Will I succeed at this? Yes! Will there be deviations of the path that I think now? Yes, most certainly! Am I infectious enough to spread this around? I sure believe so!!!

Below are a few of the areas to think about that Capricorn can truly exalt for you during this waning phase of the moon.

Work in Capricorn


Negative Habit Breaking

Karmic Magic


Waning Moon Messages

Love is a constant
See the gift that love offers

Metamorphosize my way
Respect all phases

Be more aware of everything around me

Know the beauty in single perseverance
I must know I can make, first and foremost

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