Friday, May 8, 2009

A Bull, A retrograde, and the potential for many things...

As we pass on to another point in this ever gifting Taurus Lunar journey, we make a stop at a Full Moon. A Full Moon is a peak time to work power, and not power in an external sense, but power internally, a place we shy away from for various reasons. Full Moons can be seen as Ripeness. During Full Moons there is increase in all sorts of energies and things occurring. We have often heard folklore tell of the “wildness” of Full Moons, well I propose it is the climaxing of the cycle, so get ready....

This full moon has the pleasure of falling at the beginning of the retrograde for mercury, the first in this lunar year.
All forms of communication are going to be off kilter. To say the least! Snail mail, email, cell fone, home fone, speaking to others, speaking to yourself, and don't even think of signing a contract or wonder why negotiations are not going well. W can not put life off during the retrogrades, but forewarning will help ya navigate through it.

This Full Moon is ruled by Scorpio, a sign that can present itself in very diverse ways. There may be an urge to go to a place of passion, whether that be anger, love, lust or confusion. Another urge could be subtlety, maybe we need to be more sedate and behind the scenes. Or even still, we may want to really consider severance work. Who or what is in our life that we need a clean break from, hell, it might be a part of yourself you have no more need for. Pluto, Scorpio’s ruling planet, is one of Transmutation, Transformation and Reconstruction. So get ready for energy to move you in one direction or another. And please, do not think you can sit this one out. If you do not actively move in a direction you choose, believe me, you will be moved and maybe to a place you weren’t quite ready to visit.

A few things that might glean themselves when approached during the full moon are the following:

Love, Attraction, Passion

Abundance and Prosperity

Blessing of Space

Courage of Heart

Inner Awakenings

Flower/Herb Essences for Scorpio Full Moon

Frankincense (Protection)

Myrrh (Transformation)

Sandalwood (Spirituality)

Messages for the Full Moon

North Messages
A shift at home is a necessary positive, accept it

South Messages
Know my power that I channel

East Messages
Know my desires
Access divine flight

West Messages
Have a mark
I need to be unwavering

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