Monday, May 4, 2009

Roaring into the light!

This Waxing phase is marked by the sign Leo, which is the satiated servant of the Sun. This roaring Leo time of recognition, glory, and performance also has another side, control and defense. In this building portion of this entire Taurus Lunar cycle, use this Sun and all his powerful gifts he offers to continue towards your intended goal.

The Sun is a sheer representation of light and truth. Request either or both for yourself and your world. Knowing, that light and truth is not always going to be equal to our expectation. The beauty of the Sun is that he shows things as they are, not as we think or want them to be. I would say brace yourself, however those of us thus far on the journey already know that blessings come in all shapes and sizes. Lastly, this waxing time is a time of short term objectives, do not begin to rearrange the whole show, just illuminate and tweek what is necessary.

Try some of these domains for your SUN work in this bubbling phase of waxing

Work in the Sun

Discard doubt, sickness, or negativity


Attraction, Renewal, Success

Belly (Second) Chakra Energy

For this portion of the cycle I am focused on my patience with knowing my clear understanding of purification and its role in my life. I not only want to purify, but really how do I use this process to bring me to another level of understanding and action. Because you know knowledge without movement is what?? Useless...

The messages below represent a past, present, future pull, bringing messages to us from all corners of the continuum, decipher their meaning for you as separate points or the entire spectrum.

Waxing Phase in Leo Messages

Past Messages

I am my answers

Believe my intution

Present Messages

Allow my evolution to unfold

Future Messages

Take time to rest, regularly

Renewal brings great rewards

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