Friday, September 18, 2009

The bounty of beauty beseiges us

As we move along into another cycle, this New Lunar cycle in Libra and ruled by sweet Venus is bountiful in every way possible. First off, we are at another beginning, the new moon. We get to set intentions, work on our goal setting and get a DO OVER. So, what better time for DO OVER's than during a period ruled by Venus, a planet known for her sweetness, her pleasure, her sheer joy. So be sure to gently harness this positively forward thinking energy and move forward, whether it be by baby steps or giant leaps.

Another reason to see the beauty in bounty is we are almost at the time of autumn and harvest, a time on the planet that is marked by many festivals, celebrations, and customs that say thank you for the things that have sustained us this far in the year. So, yet again another truly powerful demarcated opportunity to lay it on the line for yourself. What will be reaped; what should stay in the ground for one more lunar cycle; what may need to be focused on by another incarnation of yourself? Decide, delve, and delineate.

My new moon intention is asking myself to look for only things that will help elevate my recognition and upliftment of beauty's bounty in my life. What are the things that make my journey beautiful, from the inside out? Also, what are things that are unrelated to that bounty I am tapping? In essence...take stock of bounty supporters and bouny detractors and rectify anything that is out of balance. It's just that plain and simpe.

During this new moon, take a look at the following domains that may help you develop areas to focus on during this Libran Lunar Cycle.

New Moon Foci




Radical Severance

Flower/Essences for the Libra Lunar Cyle




Libra Lunar Cycle Animal Totem-Lady Bug

Success and begin Anew

See things in the correct light

Symbol of metamorphosis and my place on that continuum

Libra Lunar Cycle Messages

North Messages

Love is naked, raw, and pure

Give energy to the unconditionality of love

South Message

Wholeheartedly have beliefs and support them

East Messages

Move forward in moments when I least expect I can

I have a distant archer's precision when I am locked on a goal

West Messages

My strength is a conjuring talisman

Know that strength is a source of happiness

1 comment:

Amina said...

Thanks Mama. This was AWESOME!!!
