Substitutes just won't do!
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In recent days so much has been thrust upon us, the summer season, a mercury retrograde, not to mention fantastical weather world wide. So, here we sit at the last quarter of this lunar cycle trying to figure it all out, right? Well, maybe, but maybe not.
Time to just let it go
The remainder of the lunar cycle is wrought with energy that is contracting, releasing and full of opportunities for all of us to truly LET GO, but will we? I say let's try, what else have we got to lose. Often over looked as insignificant because it is not the "out the gate" new moon or the "big and beautiful" full moon, Waning Moon time is truly a blessing. In this post I will lay out some tools and information, be mindful and see what will help you discard.
Assertively knowing me
As of yesterday the half moon has waned it's way into Aries, a sign ruled by the planet Mars. So first off everyone is thinking strength, fight, and aggression, yet few of us remember, Mars is also associated with cleansing towards self knowledge or that Mars' warrior path is rooted in courage. And did you know that Mars can be about turning dreams into reality or self-direction? Yes all of what Mars' potently strong energy brings can help us in these last days of this cycle.
Do we have what we want or what we don't want?
Now, on to these last few days. I want to explore just a bit more how lucky we are to have this time. As I stated above yes, this time allows us to let go, but of what? And why? Well, think of it like this; when we hold on to things too long we are substituting that which we want with that which we don't want. I know, I didn't want to believe it myself, but it's true. We are actively limiting our power, happiness, and life path. So when looked at from this perspective, heck YEAH, we need to let go and with a real quickness.
Knowing it and doin' it
My personal energies this waning time is rooted in knowing my success is destined, it's just the valiant walk of my path that is ahead of me. I have taken stock, know what I need to do and now is the time to just DO IT. And this may not be a walk in the park, but I will be protected. And along the way there could be tears, epiphanies and the like and it's okay, I must calm myself into this blessed journey. I know I got this, just like you will too, once you have focused in on the path you are to take.
Below are possible works to take on during the waning moon. Try these, think of others, but please make use of this wondrous power we have before us.
Create a Sacred Space
White Sage - Cleans and Resets Energy
Sweetgrass - Cleans and Brings Balance & Calm
Copal - Strengthens the Heart Center
Often times you can find all or a combination of these herbs in a smudge stick, which can be seen below.
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Aura and Energy Cleansing
Rosemary (Fire Element) - Release
Thyme (Air Element) - Purification
Sage ( Air Element) - Cleansing
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Review your Ritual Process
In this last portion of this lunar cycle take the time to really know the process by which you find that still, quiet knowing. To facilitate the process it can be beneficial to clean and clear space, begin or continue with a ritual journal (which I personally do and I can not tell you all how profound it is now to go back and read years ago what my thoughts and understandings where), and lastly and most importantly, be prepared to sit and ACCEPT.
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