Monday, March 3, 2014

The longest journey ever...

Waiting's worth
So it's been about 60 full days since my last post.  Honestly, I just needed time to heal, reflect, and learn about me.  And to do that is not an external process for me, it's all about going within, but trust and believe what I have put on paper today will be well worth the wait.

Pisces presents
The appropriate timing of this post at the beginning of the Pisces Lunar Cycle is just kismet.  Pisces, the well known double fish, is associated with all sorts of myth, allegory, and legend.  This time focuses on metaphysics, inner journeying, and personal awareness.

Nearer to Neptune
The true core of Piscean lore is based on the ruling planet Neptune.  Neptune, a force at times hard to harness, rules the unconscious realm, altered states, deep waters, and duality, just to name a few.  I see Neptune as the ocean floors of our selves.  We know part of ourselves it exists, we know it is valuable, but very few of us are willing to take the time to dive down there to find its treasures, no matter how much we may need to do so.

Help is always there
Accepting the task to tap into our own deepest self is not a light task mainly because we really have no control of what we may unearth about ourselves.  But that is the blessing in all of it.  Whatever Neptune helps us to unearth he also benevolently gives us the tools what we need to release, process or absorb it.  If we are committed to our deep journeying and we enter and exit our darker parts safely (making sure to create complete rituals for accessing this information), we have nothing to fear.

My path winds too
Why the title the longest journey ever? Well, I myself am on a journey of transformation, self care, healing, and claiming of my powers (natural and supernatural). And I am not afraid to tell you there are times when I am not sure I will make it; times when I doubt that I know what I know and even times I question if I am doing the right thing. And almost like magic, an event, a person, a dream or even a knowing corrects it all and I am even more sure that this journey is right where I am supposed to be.  So yes, this journey is long, but really it's not, it is merely my perception at that very moment.  I guess I chose to use that language to say HEY we all are challenged when we explore our deeper, truer, more exposed selves. But on the other side know our perceptions will ultimately be different. All we are asked to do by the spirits is to show up, be present, and be open. Everything else just is.

What do we need to journey?
Below are tools I think can be helpful for taking your journey.  Please feel free to comment and let us all know what works for you.  The more we know, the more we can share.

A sacred space in your home where you can sit quietly and listen, dialogue with self and your spirits.  Color, objects, size and direction in your space is your choice, but once you have established this space you will be surprised the connections you are able to achieve on your journey.

Smell is just a spiritual trigger for us, so much so that we often are not even aware of how quickly we can be transported by the mere scent of something.  Set your Air Element free while working to journey.  The places you will have access to are infinite.

Spiritual Tools
These are essential and also very personal.  I am not a proponent of one faith or practice over another, whatever resonates with your soul and assists with accessing that deeper self embrace it.  Also know that you have the ability to take from different ones what suit you.  All of this sound vague? Well it's meant to be because you MUST DEFINE this for yourself.  An example of basic tools can be jewelry, books, objects, candles, figurines, and statuettes, just to name a few.

Pisces Lunar Cycle Totem - Antelope

Concept - Knowledgeable Action


Live my Life

Higher  Purposes

Intrinsic Psychic Powers

Rely on my Intuition

Pisces Lunar Cycle Herbs/Essences

Dandelion - Air Element - Divination

Sweetgrass - Air Element - Calling Spirits

Vertivert - Earth Element - Grounding

Pisces Cycle Affirmation

I take time to dive deeper, seek out the real me, 

the soul me on this journey of self that has 

brought so many lessons thus far

I am grateful for the grounding, protection,

and revelations that are to come and I know

I can handle the reality of who I truly am


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