Friday, February 10, 2017

Feeling fuller than Ever

Fuller than full
At approximately 7:32pm EST this evening we are steeped in the first full moon of this lunar new year.  This point is truly a line of demarcation for our lunar cycle. So make note and be willing to go the extra distance if you plan to do ceremony or ritual during this period. Full moon energy is a powerful time.  And just to make our lives more interesting a Lunar Eclipse takes place at 7:43pm EST right after the full moon enters Leo.  As a note, a Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon, quite an alignment of forces. This gateway, if you will, allows for great change in our lives and the lives of all of those around us. Know this and act accordingly. We must activate with these gifts, especially in times like these.

Name that full
As you can see in the image above each full moon has a name and an animal that can be associated with it for guidance and perspective. This particular full moon is called the Snow Moon, which given the weather on the Eastern US right now, Snow Moon is an appropriate moniker. We will come back to this point in a moment.

Claim that full
Now, after naming the moon it is also useful to know the celestial make up of the full moon. This coming full moon is in Leo and the planetary ruler of Leo is the Sun. Not a planet, true but definitely an entity in the sky that impacts our daily lives.  This Leo full moon let's break our self imposed stereotypes and go for pleasure, go for recognition, go for illumination in sectors of our lives that have been virtually dormant. We all need to dig within (whether it be just under the surface or to the depths of our souls) capture our inner Leader Extraordinaire and relish in that person as we walk, talk, breathe, think and exist this Snow Moon.

Telling my full
For me this is direct call to action to get up off my tail and move into the next phase that I must say will be a lot more public. Although I have no fear of speaking in front of crowds or performing before an audience, I must honestly say the thought of taking my messaging and knowledge to a larger platform has been cause for much apprehension. But, I, just like you, know that I can not continue forward if I am not obedient to the process. So, here I state, for all to hold me accountable, that you will be seeing me in a different way this lunar year. Here's to my success!!!!

Making your full
Take time to think about and strategize about your focus. Full moon energy is strong, expansive, and bewitching, but it is not here for very long. We have tonight, all of tomorrow and tomorrow night, then the power of this full moon will begin to wane.  See you all on the other side of our greatness. Below is more information on the Snow Moon and a few tools for harvesting this power.

The Snow Moon = Big Horn Sheep
Sheep Totem Messages



Assert in New Areas

Trust in My Abilities

Candle Power

At the Full Moon there is an awesome amount of power available an a way to cement that power and your works is by burning candles.  Find orange candles that are safe and burn them as long and as much as you like. Fire is a tool of creation and stands in the direction of the South.  Ignite your soul towards its power this Full Moon.





Self Awareness

Conquering Fears


PS - I did not forget to post for the Year of the Rooster, I have something good for us all in just a week or so, please check back!

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