Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Think a New Thought

Begin again
In just an hour or so the moon will enter into a new lunar cycle and this one will be in the sign Virgo. More than just a time of efficiency and a critical eye Virgo has blessings to bestow upon us all.  When Virgo rules know all things can live up to a higher standard and with this high achievement comes an earthly level of compassion that most people don't see. Take time during this cycle to "get your house in order" in all aspects of your life. And just how is that done? Well knowing that Virgo is ruled by Mercury is a start.

Go for the gut
Mercury lays out for us newness is the most amazing way. This planet offers new thinking, learning from our flaws, and personal balance. At its core Mercury is the manifestation of "trusting your gut" or rather your Solar Plexus Chakra region. Not often accentuated or epitomized our inner voice, intuition or guts are here to lead us, steer us, and help us stay clear of trouble. Ask yourself "how do I fair with my guts?"

Being destiny
My path this Virgo cycle will be about being silent, hearing my intuition and actually doing as I am told. I know, novel idea, right? For me ideas abound always but I falter when it comes to letting things play themselves out. I will challenge myself this lunar cycle to feel my way through and just be with the manifestation of things. Although I am the Queen of planning I do realize that things that are destined just occur. Likewise I will not lean towards whims without action. I am working to find that balance of being my solutions, not looking or finding them.

Centering self
This lunar cycle take time to focus on being intentional, being honest with yourself, and being open to the possibilities that are waiting just for you. Below are nudges as to when or how or even where you can find your own center this cycle. Be free to try these and other sources of guidance.

Virgo Lunar Cycle Concept - New Thinking

credit: CEB

New Ideas are Brewing

Allow Newness to Grow

Open my Heart and Mind 

My Intuition gives Insight

Virgo Lunar Cycle Totem - Jaguar
Totem Meaning - Reclaiming Power

credit: pinterest

Patience is Rewarded

Trust my Instincts

Be Stealth 

Do the Unbelievable

Go Beyond What I Imagine


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