Saturday, September 23, 2017

True Equality

Balance before Us
The Autumnal Equinox has debuted at approximately 4:02pm on Friday Sep. 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and we are still within our first 24 hours. The significance of this is that there are only two times a year (autumn and spring equinoxes) where day and night are equal lengths. Meaning that on these days balance is possible in ways unimaginable. On this Autumn Equinox I want us all to grab equality and hold on to it with fierceness. If ever a time existed to give us an opportunity to look balance and harmony in the face and say yes it is this moment. Of course there will be antics (mine have already started), but all I need to say is this season is my season of balance.

Growing darkness
As our days grow shorter and our nights grow longer we need to capture the power of dark time and rest more, savor time in the house, and approach each day with a gentleness that will ease into our everyday activity. On the horizon this Autumn are festivals, holidays, and weather change but on the inside we must prepare ourselves to gain from this time or else all potential can be squandered.

Making it so
Many transitions physically, geographically, and financially are upon my horizon this Autumn and in the midst of all of that I am focused on staying my course and not being distracted by the curve balls life will throw me. Although I can be quite focused I can also let things pop into my psyche that are none of my concern. This time of year I will lean towards mine own understanding. And this season I will be supported by meditation, routine exercise, cleaner eating, lots of rest and plenty of good hydration. All of this seems formulaic but making these prescriptions my mission instead of my default is something all together different.

Standing with Me
Now that you know what is it I want to share ways you to can benefit from not only the equinox by the entire season of Autumn. Listed below are suggestions, information, and tools that can help you find your way this season when things get rough, and they will get rough it's the nature of life.  See them as an introduction to whatever you will decide will guide you this season. Lastly I challenge us all to keep some sort of journal or written account of our life this fall so when it ends and winter comes we have something to reflect upon and see just how far we have come.

Autumn Concept - 
Hearing the Divine Feminine Within


Listen and trust to Myself

Stay true to my Thoughts

Stand my Ground

Take time to Listen to the Divine Feminine

My Strength is my Shield

Autumn Foods


Root Vegetables

Cold Weather Greens

Raw Seeds/Nuts


Sweet and Heavy Fruits

Autumn Elements


Air Element - incense, fans, breeze

Fire Element - candle, fire pit, chimney fire

Water Element - bowl of water, mist, spray

Earth Element - Stone, figurine, flowers

Spirit Element - Written intentions

Autumn Ritual


                           Make time in the first few days of Autumn 
                           Gather your autumn elements 
                           Find quiet and undisturbed time
                           Listen for Autumn intentions 
                           Write down your Autumn intentions 
                           Meditate, pray, or focus on these intentions
                           Know you have the power to manifest all things
                           Revisit these intentions as needed this Autumn

Autumn Affirmation

Divine Feminine within bless me in ways I think impossible, open my heart to the power of who you are that lies with in me,

This season transform my world view and my place in it and make sure I am working for the greatest and best good for all,

When I am doubtful remind me of my wisdom, strength, courage, compassion, love, and joy



Elise Bryant said...

Thank you, dear sister! Tim's homegoing celebration was a lovely tribute to her life's work on that first weekend in autumn!

Elise Bryant said...

Thank you, dear sister for sharing autumnal wisdom! Tim's homegoing was a lovely tribute to her life!

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