Saturday, November 4, 2017

Fulfilling fullness

Full not fool
This morning at approximately 1:22am we entered this Full Moon in Taurus. I'm not sure for you, but for me these last 24 hours have been intense and building minute by minute. Now that the moon has reached fullness I know I am exhaling much easier. Full moon time is a good check in time during the lunar cycle. A time of reflection, it is essential we disregard colloquial knowledge about the full moon and rather pull on this strong energy to see where we are, what we have accomplished and what we have yet to do. Three evenings in the sky the moon shows as full but the truth is what we don't see is so much more. Mark this full moon and you will be blueprinting the rest of your lunar cycle.

Venus not Taurus
This November's full moon is in Taurus (the opposite sign of the Libra lunar cycle we are within) and yes you probably think you know the earth based, strong willed, and forceful characteristics that may abound, but I say look beneath that understanding. Taurus, is only that which the planet Venus allows it to be. Venus (Taurus' ruling planet) is not only associated with beauty and love, but this sign is the domain of creativity, bounty, and manifesting ideas into reality. As usual what is best for us lies just beneath what is shiny.

Truth not fiction
I am charging myself to put just one foot in front of the other this full moon. I will be honest about fear, insecurity, and doubt, but only in order to release them. I will no longer entertain thoughts and internal dramas before I even take the next step. Meanwhile as I take each step I will be hopeful and grateful. A small and large task all at one time. I believe I am up to this. Here goes everything!

Do and do
Mark your full moon. Below is just a few ways to utilize this energy, but the most important way to gain from the full moon is decide what you want to do and then do it. There is no one prescription for power, just authenticity and being present. To us all I wish great things in the near and far future. Oh and for those of us where there is Day Light Savings Time, an extra hour of sleep this evening.

Full Moon in Taurus Totem - Beaver
Meaning - The Builder

Know I am the Builder

Take each step with power

Great things arise when I work with others

Candle Power

At the Full Moon there is an awesome amount of power available an a way to cement that power and your works is by burning candles.  Find green candles that are safe and burn them as long and as much as you like. Fire is a tool of creation and stands in the direction of the South.  Ignite your soul towards its power this Full Moon,







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