Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Aligning with lined lunar-ness

credit: space.com
The time it goes down
Tomorrow at approximately 9:32am EST we will experience a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the last eclipse of this year.  And not to be out done, the moon becomes Full stage at 9:46am, minutes later.  Add all this up and we have total opportunity for anything from awesome power to sheer mayhem. 

And what of this eclipse
So first, what does that mean.  Well an eclipse  means that the three celestial bodies known as the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon are all in perfect alignment, which is a pretty rare event.  To line up the three sets of concepts below can really be a line of demarcation in our lives:

Moon-Feminine Power/Energy

It's lovingly Lunar
The use of the terms Solar or Lunar before an eclipse has some to do with how they are aligned.  In a Lunar eclipse the Earth finds it's self between the Sun and a Full Moon.  Okay, hope you are still with me, LOL.  Another major difference for a Lunar eclipse is that all the work done is on your inner life meaning it's all internal transformations that can take place. So yes, more time for "our self", but this self time is such a line in the sand time.  I know I am looking forward to it to work out some personal changes I want that just have not been sticking at other times this year.  Below are questions that may add value to any work we do near or on (doing it as close to the time is a powerful step) this Lunar Eclipse.

What root causes have been stopping me?
Does anything in my past or ancestral past have a hold on me?

Do I have a good relationship with Karma?

What life patterns am I looking to hit the reset button on?

*Note-It is good to allow at least 2 weeks to really see manifestation in our daily lives of anything we work on during an eclipse.  Remember we are a constant creation, there is no DONE point :)

credit: 123rf.com

Gemini breaks through after the eclipse 
Please remember that the Full Moon in Gemini does occur directly following the eclipse so take advantage of that energy as well.  You will have more time to do work because work can be done over the three day period that is the day before, day of, and day after the Full Moon.  So in case you can not mark the eclipse, mark the time when Gemini brings an opening for work on diversity, change, new ventures, scholarship, and research.  A breadth of options, but all sort of in a trajectory that is similar.


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