Friday, January 11, 2008

Spring’s gifts of blossoms.....Yes, its the Waxing Phase.

This waxing phase is considered the Springtime of the lunar cycle. As in spring, plant what you want, even things that bloom in a short time. We are on our way to the Full Moon ahead, but focus on now, see what things are in store for you just around this corner. This waxing moon is in Pisces a sign known sometimes as the Old Man or even the Cosmic One, the possibility to be all that we are collectively. Use this flowering, blossoming, budding, spring to go deeper into who you are and why, because you must.

And of course Pisces is ruled by Neptune, a great assistant for those inner journeys, those dark waters, those long distance excavations. Fear not the darker places, just know that whatever light you will need will be provided, then just simply put one foot in front of the other and step, each foot at a time, no hurrying.

So, take up the challenge, set some short terms goals, work through them, and see the power that already exists within. In keeping with my desire to transform my concept of time I am focusing on clearing my mind so I can reveal that transformed time that is already waiting for me to understand it.

Work in Pisces
Metaphysical Pursuits
Personal Enlightenment/Inner Journeys
Psychic Development

Herbs/Flower Essences

Waxing Moon Messages

North-Earth Element
In a process things will happen as they should
When moments of wanting to speed enter, breathe in and exhale it right back out

South-Fire Element
Clarity comes as you know, you know, what you know
As you transform, so shall time, because time is of you
Understand solutions merge with time through divinity

East-Air Element
Your passion, your dreams, your journey, your time is right here for you
LISTEN, to the messages, the messengers, and yes, even the noise
Release your desires, your dreams, and destinations through the fire

West-Water Element
Self-work is your most important work
To clear means to focus, to clear means concentration, to clear means quiet

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