Sunday, February 24, 2008

To close, let us look at Love one more time.

Waning, ending, leaving. Yes, our time in this Aquarius Lunar Cycle is drawing to a close, yet the power and opportunity that stands in front of us is just as ground breaking as the dawning of this cycle was a few short weeks ago. At this time we have the most beautiful gift, a chance. A chance to let go of what we have been holding on to for far too long. A chance to put our lessons from this cycle to use. A chance to make space for all that is coming for us up ahead. A chance, is a gift, each and every time we receive it, no matter what we do with it. So, use this gift from the universe as a springboard. Focus on what you need to do, not what you failed to do. Also, one last thing that comes to mind during this phase, is look back and have gratitude, gratitude for where you have come from, where you are, and where you are going.

This space making Waning cycle is in Libra who is ruled by the ever loving planet Venus. Yes, loving all things, kind of just ties right in with what we spoke of during the Full Moon. See, all things are connected and ever morphing. So, seek out what Venus has for you and really be open to experience it all, without reservation and doubt. When you know the power and are open to it, wonderful things ALWAYS happen.

Being that this is a waning time, I am choosing to seek the love and self-love that exists in my rituals. The everyday, every hour, and sometimes every minute rituals. Through understanding of these great moments and realities I hope to further the power I have access to and can wield for the betterment of self, others, and ultimately the universe. Below take a look at the work in Venus that can be done. Know that this is an abbreviated list, charge yourself to find more aspects of anything I give to you.

Work in Venus

Break Unworthiness and Incapability

Cultivate Beauty and Pleasure in your life

Unify our oppositional qualities

Fertility and Bounty

Herb/Flower Essences for this Waning Phase




Waning Moon Messages

North-Earth Element

Connect with my soul that is past, present, and future
Understand my memories
Love is a Ritual

South-Fire Element

My thoughts and words should be pure
Love of all things is the only way
Walk away from that which is negative

East-Air Element

Enjoy the supply that is mines
Bounty abounds me

West-Water Element

Recognize my acceptance of my inner wisdom
Step forward and put my knowing into action

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