Thursday, December 11, 2008

Darkest hour before the Dawn of the Light

This entry is overdue on one calendar and right on time for another. As I walked yesterday and looked up at the crisp branches, without a leaf on them, I was reminded once again that bareness brings about amazing new growth. Let me say that again, bareness brings about amazing new growth. Alright, let’s put some perspective on that. In this the last few weeks of Autumn and as we approach the Winter Solstice, how appropriate that we ourselves have become those trees, stripped of many things that we just knew were true about ourselves. And, how this rawness makes us ready for a completely new self. In essence, as the Winter season brings back the light to the world, which is what the solstice represents, then we too should also focus on standing tall in what seems like darkness, accept all that we know of ourselves, then prepare for real changes in the coming weeks. And this is brought to us by the planetary giant, Jupiter, which rules fair Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a a time of determination, clarification and revelation. What better partners for us at the close of this cycle.

My personal focus is on being determined to be that new creation, calming into the darkness and knowing there are great gifts waiting for me and not the tangible gifts I can touch or see. I am committed to do what I need to do for me, boldly, singularly, and all the while understanding that I, just like the cycle of a tree, am in a process and I will not disturb that mechanism. In other words, getting in my way is not an option.

Find the work for you during Jupiter’s reign (or what’s left of it, and these times do overlap, just be clear of that)

Work in Jupiter


Removing negative effects

Courage of Heart

Flower/Herb Essences




New Moon Messages

North Messages
Walking alone is okay
There is many things for me when I seek it myself

South Messages
Acknowledge I am in a process
Accept my place in that process

East Messages
Remember the sacredness of my body
Divinity comes from my place of power

West Messages
I am sensitive to all things

1 comment:

Marialuz said...

ah,raw, yes, raw, knuckles on the grater, raw...right on time, as always
