Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Recap, Daughter of Waters style

Andrea circa 1976

So initially I thought my posts for the year were done, but then I began to think,  much has been learned this year.  Here are 10 important things that came to me this year in the form of people, experiences, lessons (oh, you know I love those, LOL), and just plain old blessings. I find it more than cathartic to actually see written out some of my best understandings.

10 Things that made the year 2012 for me

  1. Elders have gifts for me, even if initially I resist it, I've learned to take them
  2. My personal spiritual medicine is real and strong, especially when I believe in it
  3. My love of self is really the source of anyone loving me
  4. Gauging my point on my path is infinitely what I need in order to take another step
  5. I learned that I was waiting to give myself permission to be happy, not anymore :)
  6. Being obedient to the Mothers (guides) wishes will take me out of my comfort zone, but so what
  7. When I am eager to manifest more in my life I must first fully embrace gratitude
  8. At all times I have the ability to push reset, nothing is cemented
  9. My motivation this year was on: my health, my art, my love, my money, my success
  10. When I am consistently silent I hear the universe as she speaks to me, it's rarely a roar but often a whisper

I hope you too can remember the things that made this year memorable and a wonderful stepping stone on your life path!


Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Evolutions

Okay, so as we close this calendar year I thought it'd be appropriate to share one of my strategies that really manifested for me this year.  At the urgings of my mother I wrote out my Goals for 2012 and I can not tell you the almost instantaneous results I saw.  And this from a relegated non-writer of goals or even plans.  Something deep within knew that if my mother was open enough to give me this message that I had to at least be open enough to accept it and I did JUST THAT!

So as the moon moves from the maternal like sign of Cancer and into the pretty faced sign of Leo, I say shine that light upon what will assist us all in evolving to that other level in 2013.  The New Year will dawn during the beginning of the Waning Phase of the moon, which is a time when we can make space for what we want to manifest.  So instead of coming up with trumped up surface goals, sit, meditate, and listen to that inner you.  What do you want to change? What do you want to keep the same? Any out of your league goals you been thinking about recently, go ahead, dare to decide to make them come true.

Once you have devised what you want in 2013, then cement these goals by writing them down.  And when you write these out, go for it, make a ritual or ceremony of it.  Sit comfortably, wear something that inspires you, possibly play music that is aligned with where you want to go next year.  Online and written out goals are probably our best tool for true completion.  Whatever you choose to do be sure it is from the heart, you are not constructing anyone else's goals but your own.

For clarity, focus and direction below are just four areas I choose to categorize my own goals of the new year.  I suggest you try to be as specific as possible when planning.  A wise woman once told me that often times when we ask the universe for something we are too general and when that generality gets delivered we are often disappointed.  GO FOR IT, all the way, all you can do is be successful!

New Year's Evolutionary Goals

My personal goals are the things are me, the spirit.  All of my issues or lessons that need re-learning or positive reinforcing were written in this section.  And believe me I spared no areas, just plain old self truths. Shatter any preconceived notions of who you are in this section and allow yourself to spread those royal wings for their is a flight of unparalleled proportions on its way.

As a person with many interests this area seeks to organize and increase that which I am doing.  It's not enough for me to have a gift, what am I doing to share it, develop it, and take it to that next level.  This area for me probably is the place where I will take the most risks, but it's worth it!

This area is one of the biggest struggles for all of us, but it is also an area where we can see the most amazing transformations, once we have decided we are worth it and concentrated our efforts.  I know in the last year I had to realize, from my goals, that I was giving myself permission to earn quite a bit more for those earnings would allow for me to manifest in ways I would never have thought.

Health and Well Being
And yes finally, how many of us have our well being in the forefront of our minds? Probably not many, me included.  I wrote and spoke into existence a me that is constantly checking, assessing, and balancing my health and well being.  In our world where we have pushed our environments to the limits none of us can afford to take our health for granted.  My mission this year is to make my well being my #1 priority and keep it there.

I say thanks for reading through this, but more importantly I say CONGRATULATIONS to all of us for taking the time to develop these goals, write them, speak to ourselves or others and then the courage to post them where we see them daily or almost daily.  What power we all are invoking and once we see these goals materialize just think of the other magic we will conjure up for humanity and this planet.  The Age we are entering is one full of strides, make sure you know which direction you are headed NOW!



Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mercury Retrogrades 2013
The posted sign to the left is how most of us feel during Mercurial Retrogrades right?  Well, with the coming year of 2013, here are the Mercury Retrograde periods for the calendar year.  My wish is that understanding when these periods onset will hopefully empower all of us to utilize the blessings that this often times tricky planet can bring us.

The planet mercury will go into a retrograde period three times because the way the planet is supposed to move and what we see moving are different actions.   When this happens, all forms of communication are off kilter.  To say the least. snail mail, email, cell phone, home phone, speaking to others, speaking to yourself, and don't even think of signing a contract or wonder why negotiations are not going well.  See the map below for a better idea of how all this takes place.  


For me, a person who's ruling planet is Mercury, I can only hope that my connection to the planet links me in ways that allow me to embrace it's energy, albeit contrary sometimes.  I will mark these dates and heed it's presence in my calendar year.  Hoping that you doing the same will glean some positively beautiful experiences. 

Take a look at the dates below, check out the net for more info, a general internet search will bring up many articles and blog posts, didn't want to overload, just spark a fire of your interest.  These are the dates that the retrograde starts and stop and the sun sign it is in.

Turns Retrograde    ← Mercury travels between
→    Turns Direct
February 23, 2013
9:41 GMT  
4:41 AM EST
1:41 AM PST
Pisces March 17, 2013
20:03 GMT
  4:03 PM EDT
  1:03 PM PDT
June 26, 2013
13:07 GMT  
9:07 AM EDT
6:07 AM PDT
Cancer July 20, 2013
18:22 GMT
  2:22 PM EDT
11:22 AM PDT
October 21, 2013
10:29 GMT  
6:29 AM EDT
3:29 AM PDT

November 10, 2013
21:12 GMT
  4:12 PM EST
  1:12 PM PST 

Friday, December 28, 2012

From the moon, to the moon, over the moon!

Dawning of Fullness

With this early morning post I am grateful for breath, for love, for family, for life.  At approximately 5:21am the moon flowed her way into being full under the sign of Cancer.  So as I looked up at the hazy, beacon like moon this morning, all I could think to say was "Hello, Mama Moon".  Acknowledgement is a good thing, but surely we do not have to leave it at that.

And what does Full mean?

Full Moon time is quite powerful, as it allows each and every one of us the opportunity to fully see the growing capabilities of our wants, dreams, desires, and goals.  Think of Full Moon time as that attainment phase, you know that time when we really get to see what it is that we have put out into the universe.  Not what we have said or professed, but rather that which we really gave energy to.

The Moon is the Mother

This last Full Moon of this calendar year happens to be in the caring, loving sign of Cancer,  a sign that can bring long term rewards, love magic or order to life.  If there are any Cancers reading this let me know if you feel any of what I've written about here.  See the sign of Cancer is ultimately ruled by the Moon, so right now we have all kinds of power awaiting.  The Moon is the Mother of the Inner Self.  When the Moon rules the sky we have a gift upon us for we can really get to the heart of who and what we are and make real, positive, and tangible change and share those energies with the universe.  Aside from the Self, Moon time is a good time to do work on family, home, self healing and that Triple Goddess energy that all of us (male or female) possess.  So, decide right now, what's it gonna be? Grab the reigns of the Full Moon and harness the extremely strong emotions that may be swarming around inside you right now.  Be bold enough to take a stab at that thing you just have not had enough courage to face.  And most importantly dare to put yourself and your progress first, even at this time of year.

Shatter that which is unneeded 

My personal Full Moon journey is about breaking illusions.  I think I often get caught up in the wondrously iridescent colors of an illusion and forget that OH, I have all the power I need to break through illusions.  My power is here and now, there is no next year, when I am more evolved or anything, it's simply knowing I am all I will ever need, as are you. So, here's to breaking all illusions!

Below is a Full Moon affirmation to think about during this auspicious time of the lunar cycle.  Feel free to devise one that best suits the work you need to complete.

Full Moon Affirmation

Gracious mothers allow me to change what I find,

I am to embrace the light of this Full Moon and illuminate,

any darkness on my path of self understanding

Full Moon Herbs/Essences




Candle Power

At the Full Moon there is an awesome amount of power available and a way to cement that power and your works is by burning candles.  Below is information on the color White that is associated with the Moon.  Find White candles that are safe and burn them as long and as much as you like.  Fire is a tool of creation that can ignite you towards your goals this Full Moon.



Concentrated Life Force




Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Aligning with lined lunar-ness

The time it goes down
Tomorrow at approximately 9:32am EST we will experience a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, the last eclipse of this year.  And not to be out done, the moon becomes Full stage at 9:46am, minutes later.  Add all this up and we have total opportunity for anything from awesome power to sheer mayhem. 

And what of this eclipse
So first, what does that mean.  Well an eclipse  means that the three celestial bodies known as the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon are all in perfect alignment, which is a pretty rare event.  To line up the three sets of concepts below can really be a line of demarcation in our lives:

Moon-Feminine Power/Energy

It's lovingly Lunar
The use of the terms Solar or Lunar before an eclipse has some to do with how they are aligned.  In a Lunar eclipse the Earth finds it's self between the Sun and a Full Moon.  Okay, hope you are still with me, LOL.  Another major difference for a Lunar eclipse is that all the work done is on your inner life meaning it's all internal transformations that can take place. So yes, more time for "our self", but this self time is such a line in the sand time.  I know I am looking forward to it to work out some personal changes I want that just have not been sticking at other times this year.  Below are questions that may add value to any work we do near or on (doing it as close to the time is a powerful step) this Lunar Eclipse.

What root causes have been stopping me?
Does anything in my past or ancestral past have a hold on me?

Do I have a good relationship with Karma?

What life patterns am I looking to hit the reset button on?

*Note-It is good to allow at least 2 weeks to really see manifestation in our daily lives of anything we work on during an eclipse.  Remember we are a constant creation, there is no DONE point :)


Gemini breaks through after the eclipse 
Please remember that the Full Moon in Gemini does occur directly following the eclipse so take advantage of that energy as well.  You will have more time to do work because work can be done over the three day period that is the day before, day of, and day after the Full Moon.  So in case you can not mark the eclipse, mark the time when Gemini brings an opening for work on diversity, change, new ventures, scholarship, and research.  A breadth of options, but all sort of in a trajectory that is similar.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Push, pull, and prodding from Pluto

Often times I am quite amazed at how things turn out, you see I sometimes have my own ideas and then the universe takes over and what is to be occurs.  This blog post is testament to just that fact.  Already into this Scorpio Lunar Cycle I am being pushed to design new paradigms, something that at times can be quite difficult.  Out of the New Moon time the moon is Waxing which means this is perfect the time to build towards short term goals or objectives.  This Scorpion time can be flowered with thoughts of subtlety, severance, and a desire to journey towards the true self.  Hold tight to those thoughts, they are significant, but more prevalent and overriding is the Pluto energy that rules the sign of Scorpio.

Yes, it is that time again to think of rebirth and times of complete alteration.  Now do any of us really want to dwell on these concepts? Maybe not, but I tell you what when these come into play in our lives and we do nothing, only chaos and turmoil follow.  Bad decisions, hurt feelings, lost energy, and all around ickiness will abound.  Basically, at this point we are either moving closer or farther away from our actualized selves and only we each know which way the weather vane is blowing.  Our days and nights may be cooler, but it is my wish that all of us are warming to the idea of moving towards who we really are.  Guess what, either we do or we don't, it's simply up to us.  Now for each of us these changes will be different, some may be large and others may happen in that still, quiet, inner place, regardless it all represents our conscious effort to evolve.

For me this Scorpio Cycle has been about achieving, measuring, and maintaining the balance I need in my life.  So my short term goal is to continue with that.  What I am trying to do is pay closer attention to the signs earlier in the game and intercepting possible snags or setbacks.  I am sure there is more to come but with conscious effort I can surely transform and rebirth the way I understand and balance's relevance to my personal evolution.  As lofty as these all sound trust and believe I get it right sometimes and wrong other times, but one thing is for sure, I am quickly becoming my biggest cheerleader and my compassion for self is ever expanding my humanity.  Okay this was so much more than I thought I would share, but you know how it is once you get started.

As stated above, we are Waxing so focus can be on short termed goals and objectives that will help you as we move closer to that Full Moon time that is coming in a few days.  Below are general areas that can gleen results when worked upon when the moon floats through the sign of Scorpio, which is Pluto ruled.

Work in Pluto

Complete Alteration

Regeneration or Degeneration



Scorpio Lunar Cycle Totem-Frog

Importance of Water and Sound

Abundance and Fertility

Duality in Life

Herbs and Essences for Scorpio Lunar Cycle

Elder-Emotional Healing

Dragon's Blood-Power


Scorpio Lunar Cycle Affirmation

As I undergo purposeful changes

I ask for honesty, understanding, and patience

knowing on the other side of this I will be forever better and




Monday, November 12, 2012

Just when you thought you were homefree...

 It's spun around again
A retrograding planet Mercury has appeared, for the last time this calendar year.  When Mercury retrogrades, all forms of communication are off kilter, to say the least. Snail mail, email, cell fone, home fone, speaking to others, speaking to yourself, and don't even think of signing a contract or wonder why negotiations are not going well. We can not put life off during the retrogrades, but forewarning will help ya navigate through it.

GPS for Mercury in Retrograde, maybe
Here with us since November 6th (or up to a week before) and expected to stay til after Thanksgiving holiday here is some food for thought and a possible strategy to get the most out of this cosmically induced situation comedy in our lives.  So, this strategy, is it full proof--uhh no.  Will there be a trial and error period where you may want to bring all things to a halt, of course.  But will this strategy at least be a jumping off point for you to understand how energy is being warped and how to anticipate and almost plan for the unexpected, hopefully YES!

Part One: Self Completion
Often we place other things and people before all of our self related matters.  So if you are a parent, a caregiver, a teacher or a caring spouse, during this retrograde, devote time to you and only you.  A hard task, but since everyone else may misread your intentions and communications why not.  Complete that draft of a book, take yourself out to dinner or the movies, or hey, even start that scarp-book project on your college days you have been putting off.  Basically, work on anything that will help complete something that is only focused on you.

Part Two: Build Stronger Existing Bonds
Now, I am sure we all have said if we just had more hours in the day we would take some time out to spend with one of our siblings, or an elder family member, or a friend we haven't seen in upteen years.  Well when Mercury retrogrades, we all can benefit by spending time strengthening those relationships that need repair, need tending, need mending, or just plain ole attention.  Don't get so caught up in the how, identify those folks first and just simply ask for the right way to make those bonds that are meaningful in our lives even stronger.

Part Three:  Harvest Gratitude
This is one of my favorite techniques when dealing with Mercury when it retrogrades.  So since there are all kinds of things that can and will go awry, I sometimes sit in the mist of all the mayhem and say thank you.  Thank you for the sun, the moon, the stars, loved ones, breath, and life.  Somehow my gratitude injects some clemency from Mercury or some other place and my focus leaves what has messed up and begins to shift to all the blessings and gifts I have and will receive.  It's really all about perception and where we lay our energy. So as harvest dawns, say THANK YOU no matter what.

Part, Whole or Activation
Now I don't think that these three things will solve all of our Mercury related troubles, but I do hope one of them or even a mere part of one will trigger within all of us the overcoming power we humans definitely possess with every cell we have, it's just about the activation phase.  Hopefully this post will help us make great things happen.

As a heads up here are the dates for the coming calendar year 2013

February 23, 2013
9:41 GMT  
4:41 AM EST
1:41 AM PST
5°38' ↔ 19°52'
March 17, 2013
20:03 GMT
  4:03 PM EDT
  1:03 PM PDT
June 26, 2013
13:07 GMT  
9:07 AM EDT
6:07 AM PDT
13°22' ↔ 23°7'
July 20, 2013
18:22 GMT
  2:22 PM EDT
11:22 AM PDT
October 21, 2013
10:29 GMT  
6:29 AM EDT
3:29 AM PDT
2°30' ↔ 18°24'
November 10, 2013
21:12 GMT
  4:12 PM EST
  1:12 PM PST


Monday, October 29, 2012

Change has blown in!

What just blew in

As the rain and wind blows brilliantly outside my window, I am grateful, I am humbled, I am tasked.  This Full Moon has blown in like few before; this one is riding high on the wave of change, manifestation, and force.  Today's full moon meets us in the sign of Taurus, that ever loyal, ever progressive, ever loving enigma.  So fret not, these winds, rain, and chills are a nature-made line of demarcation for us.  Are we or aren't we?  We of course get to decide all the specifics, yet delaying is NOT an option anymore.

Taurus can take us there

Does all of this sound a bit hokey? Well let me put it to you like this.  Mother Nature never makes mistakes, nor does she miss her mark.  The fact that as the moon peaks in it's current lunation a heavy and powerful storm reaches our shores is no coincidence, it is a kismet, awe-inspiring turn of events that I believe we all shall soon not forget.  How can we use this you ask? Well, I say wash away all that needs cleansing.  Release all that has been hampering you down, no matter what it is, stand in the wind and the rain and toss it out.  Take that bold step you were just a bit too concerned to take yesterday.  Be brave, brazen, bold, and brash.  Nature shows us when we put enough force behind our intentions, the immovable will move.  Abudnance, Love, Employment these are all aspects that can be dramatically changed during this Taurus full moon by the power of the full moon and the extra dose of conjure we can expect to pick up from the storm.  So hop to it my loves, I know I am.

The power of patience

And speaking of me, if you've been a reader of the blog you know I like to myself on Front Street a bit.  Just to show folks, hey, I am in here trying to figure it all out just like you.  So my valiant focus will be on patience.  I must trust that nature's got my back in all that I do and I am going in the correct direction, albeit a bit slower than I may think it should be.  My efforts will always be rewarded, just as they should be, not as I think or even when I think, for that matter.  Ever patient, that is me!

Lest we forget our Ancestors

On October 31st, I propose we all reflect on those that have come before us and what they contributions to our lives have been.  Yes children will dress up (well not sure in all of this wind and rain), candy will be eaten and lots of commercialized products will be purchased.  The day known as Halloween is often celebrated as Samhain, a day of remembering the departed.  The following day November 1st is also a day closely related, but differently celebrated Day of the Dead.  Regardless of the day and the way we celebrate, let us all allow our ancestors room into our daily lives to learn from their mistakes, get information we would have otherwise missed, and generally revel in the fact that those who came before us sacrificed to change the lives we all have.

Samhain Bonfire


Day of the Dead Altar


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Charging toward the direction of...ME!

Did you feel that?
This evening brings us to the full moon-ness of this Virgo Lunar Cycle and it happens to be when the moon is passing through the sign of Aries, which is ruled by the planet Mars.  This full moon may be stronger or tamer for you, but you're probably feeling something.  With the Autumn Equinox coming during this last week and the natural check-in that is full moon time, we have a big opportunity on our hands.  From big decisions, to dreaming big, to relocations, we must reach out and grab that which is for us to possess.

Not just another brute
Why all this possibility and action? Simply stated, Mars.  The planet usually associated with the Warrior Archetype of physical and strategic prowess, Mars, is a lesser known champion of invoking following our dreams, independence, self direction, and the awareness of personal energy.  So in this new season, direct or re-direct your self.  Be about the business of catapulting yourself into your own direction in life.  When we focus on who and what we are we are ultimately happier beings and willing to share that happiness with others around us.  Make Mr. Mars proud this full moon, dare to raise your sword for your road to self focus, self awareness, and ultimate self fulfillment.  Please keep in mind some of these feats will be larger than life and some may be just a slight shift to the left, all of them count!

Seeing more of the puzzle
My personal focus during this full moon is to integrate my power and faith in order to self actualize my dreams.  Currently my dreams have some form, but now I am getting into the nitty gritty of color, shape, definition and visibility.  I am passionate about finding that next piece of my success puzzle, like I have never been before.  And let me preface it by saying my success is also defined by me, that's a part of this whole "self" equation; by me, for me, with me.  So when you see me say, hey what have you done for your self success today? My answers should be hilarious.

Aries and it out
Below are areas Aries and Mars dominate, so rather than my normal focus of full moon time, although feel free to still focus on those areas, I thought since I talked up all of this self-direction I could give more examples.  If you have more, use them, there never is a wrong idea when it comes from you and it's for you.

Work in Aries

Barrier Breakthroughs

Fire Magic

Warrior Energy

Work in Mars

Sexual Energy 

Reinforce Personal Energy

Following our Dreams

Candle Power

At the Full Moon there is an awesome amount of power available and a way to cement that power and your works is by burning candles.  Below is information on the color red that is associated with Mars.  Find Red candles that are safe and burn them as long and as much as you like.  Fire is a tool of creation that can ignite you towards your goals this Full Moon.




Root Chakra



Sunday, September 16, 2012

A friend in me, is a friend indeed

Can ya feel it?
So, we all feeling it yet? Can ya at least tell that energies have shifted? I know I have with the coming of this new moon cycle all I wanted to do was self sequester, now granted, I was a bit stopped up this week, but it's almost as if my mind, body, and spirit are so in tuned with the cycling of the moon it even times a seasonal immune system reaction just when the moon was changing.  Okay, enough about me.  Some newness follows, hope it's useful.  Let's get into this.

Very, very, Virgo
The lunar cycle we find ourselves in is Virgo, the sign of my birth and the birth of many folks we all know.  Virgo, very much ruled by the planet Mercury, gives us an almost kismet opportunity to take a hard and long (well not that long) look at the simple yet complex concept of Friendship.  This topic has also been a subject of a few consults and conversations in the last cycle.  When Virgo rules the sky we often think of efficiency, criticism and analytics, but let's remember in the larger zodiac pantheon the earthly Virgin of Virgo is associated with the "Teenager" archetype.  Now, you tell me, were friends an important part of your teen years?

Friends in a cycle
Alright I've put it out there to lay focus on friendship, now how does this play into a lunar cycle you may be asking.  Well, at the beginning of each cycle we get to set our intentions on what we want, so what do you want? Friendship is such a vast vortex of non ending stems, so pick one thing that you think needs further investigation or transformation, set it, and see what happens. Can't hurt can it?  Remember our lives are what we create them to be so if you take stock of yourself and friendship and find out there are things you don't like it's just setting the stage for you make moves and change it, pretty cut and dry.  No fireworks, no cliff notes, no apps for it, just plain old work.

 Same everywhere?
Having said all of this you know I like to put myself out there on Front Street.  So, my trajectory for this cycle is to really explore what friendship means to me, especially with those closest to me.  Parent, child, lover, sister, grandmother, coworker, neighbor, relatives abroad, how can they all be what I need and I be what they need, especially when they are so different.  I've tried to pride myself over the years of being my authentic self in pretty much every situation, well am I the same friend in all of these situations and if I am no, accept it.  Stopping there, cause the words and questions could go on and on, but I think you get my drift.

Do you have a clue?
And you? What are you going to ask yourself?  This time instead of just the planetary or astrological domains, I came up with a list of thoughts around friendship that I think may work well as starting points for our focus during this Virgo Lunar Cycle.  Take a pick, pick one, make up one, or a combination of any of those.  I basically want all of us to use this positive, progressive energy for our personal and collective evolutions.


Defining Friendship
What is it, who fits that definition in my life?

Is this a concept I have accepted?

Letting Go
What are my signs friendships need to shift?

Do I have realistic ideas of who my friends really are?

New Friends
Have I made new ones, if not, why not?

Virgo Cycle Totem

Movement is life creating

Allow nature to flow, forcing is not needed

Set boundaries to my sacred space

New rhythms, teachings, and dimensions

Virgo Cycle Herbs & Essences

 Bergamot - Strength 

Lavender - Gentleness

Lemon Balm -  Calming


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Blue Moon that's not blue

 Look Up...
Looked up in the sky lately?  Well in case you have been hiding under a rock we were blessed with a second full moon last month.  Although it is officially September 1st, we still have about 18 hours or so left of fantastic full moon energy, better known as a Blue Moon.

 Moon and magic
The full moon we are experiencing, or the Blue Moon, is a dose of that peak energy we have come to depend upon when the moon is at its fullest.  So today there is still time.  Time for metaphysicalities, time for a personal inner journey, time for....Magic.  And please, not magic in a hocus pocus, juvenile way, rather the true magic we can make when we set our truest intentions out there and are willing to put in the necessary work to manifest a new reality.

Don't give up on you
Okay, sounds great, right.  Now what?  This full moon is in Pisces (the opposite of Virgo, the Sun sign we are in) and that means it's all about the planet Neptune and the deep down knowing and understanding that is often hidden from the outside world and sometimes hidden from our own selves.  Hold tight to what it is that you wanted a mere few weeks ago when this cycle started.  Don't be afraid to try for your dreams.  We all too frequently give up on ourselves and our dreams just as they are about to dawn in our lives.  As a person who knows about that intense tightness before a dream realized, I say encourage and strengthen cause it can be as good as we imagine it.  It's the impetus to imagine in the first place that is the gift.

See the ugly inside
Since Neptune is near I am asking to see the ugliness that needs to be left alone, I am no longer that person so why carry that baggage still? No real reason for it anyway.  I've gathered up my own courage to sashay on into my next phase of life....Have you?

Pick your success
A full moon always represents a great time to check, readjust, and proceed, try doing it in some of the following areas, you may be surprised at the success of it all....

Work in the Full Moon

Love Magic


Space Blessing


Candle Power

At the Full Moon there is an awesome amount of power available and a way to cement that power and your works is by burning candles.  Below is information on the color turquoise that is associated with Neptune.  Find Turquoise candles that are safe and burn them as long and as much as you like.  Fire is a tool of creation that can ignite you towards your goals this Full Moon.  



Heart and Mind Balance

Attuning to My Higher Self

Spiritual Destiny

Life's Purpose


Monday, August 20, 2012

This lil' light of mines....

It's Leo time isn't it?

The Sun, that which we could not fully live without, has noteworthy spiritual significance and we see this quite clearly now when it rules lovely Leo, the latest Lunar Cycle we inhabit.  Another time to intention set.  Another chance to meet ourselves halfway on your paths.  Another chance to allow spirit to guide us in the best direction we ought to go.  Comfortably settled in? I hope so.  Leo, a time of great shine and public recognition, can be a springboard for true illumination and challenge of our inner shadows or limitations.

The L-I-G-H-T

The Sun offers opportunity after opportunity to get it right.  Hiding things from ourselves during a time when the Sun is key is like sitting next to a blade of grass in oppressive heat and expecting to be in the shade.  Yeah, I know, not a great image, but that's what we do to ourselves when we ignore the light that is being bestowed upon us during a Sun ruled Lunar Cycle.  In a word this Lunar Cycle should be about LIGHT. Light to show us the way.  Light to reveal the hidden.  Light we can offer to others who are courting darkness at this time.

When to light and how to light

Let's be sure to take up our torches, our matches, our flashlights, and our auras of light and shine like our existence depends on it.  So when a person angers you, shine your light.  When you feel a personal downward spiral approaching, shine your light.  When we know we are right but someone else will not give in, shine that light. To be clear, light is being the best you that is possible in any and all situations.  Often times we are light shiners until someone pisses us off or steps across a line.  If we can still shine, even in the face of ridiculous circumstances, that's us finding our light and shining it.  Last thing, door mat impersonations not necessary, be a light bearer but not a push over, you know the difference, act accordingly.

Write it, write it, write it

My personal light to shine this cycle is about embracing the creativity I have within me and putting that energy into action.  The action this particular cycle is writing.  Writing about me, writing about my various art-forms and just speaking less and writing more.  Tapping that fire for the written word and riding out the wave of creation will gleen me amazing results, but first I must write.  So if you see me, talk to me or catch me over technology ask me "How's your writing?" that will keep me focused and then some.  When I hear it enough I will get in line.  Hope some of y'all hold me to these words, TRUST I need reinforcement just as you do.
What's your light gonna be?

Below are good realms to work on when the Sun is prevalent.  Take these and go where they lead you, whether it be these exact areas to work on or your own areas.  Also, check in when needed, my hope is to create a space where not only I speak but others as well.

Work in Leo Lunar Cycle


Belly Chakra

Attraction of Success

Dispel Negativity

Leo Lunar Cycle Totem-Dragonfly "The Power of Light"


Air and Water realms

True Wisdom

Lunar Cycle Flower and Herb Essences




Leo Lunar Cycle Affirmation

I am open to the awesome power that light brings,

I will carry my light with every step I take this cycle,

remembering it has the power to heal others as well as me


Friday, August 10, 2012

Release, the verb or the noun?

As I embark on this entry so many things are swirling through my spirit, but at the root of all of it is Release. And release in the sense of am I living the verb or the noun form of the word each day.  Sure, I intellectually understand that this lunar cycle is drawing to a close and that a new one will dawn in about one week, but am I really releasing that which I do not need or that which does not serve me or my goals.  Have to give myself a B- or C+ grade on that.  I think that I truly do have all the best intentions, thoughts and ideas about release, but sometimes I dwell too much in being a release and less in releasing, know what I mean? Now granted I do not get stuck there as some others may, but I have to challenge and task myself to go beyond where I am now and LET IT ALL GO, especially when it clearly does not serve my greatest and best good.

Having gotten that out of the way, I can now say, welcome to the time of the Gemini Moon in this waning lunar cycle (happens at approx. 4:10pm EST 8-10-12).  When you read this hopefully the moon will still be passing through Gemini and this information will still hold relevancy, LOL.  Gemini, ruled by the planet Mercury, holds quick witted energy, so this would be the time to trick, jedi mind trick or reverse psych ourselves into letting go of things we no longer need.

Now, where to begin you ask? Well over the past few months one concept that has kept coming to my mind and lips is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs .  Yes a human theorist I paid minimal attention to in school, but his findings have colored so much of my own life as I have grown and developed.  That and the fact that I have seen so much from us humans over the past couple of months that have kind of all stemmed from a glitch in these building blocks.  So a starting point this waning moon time would be to take a look at the chart below, see which one of the blocks either you gravitate towards or are a bit repelled by, that would be the one to focus on.  This of course is just a tool and not an absolute pronouncement of anything.  Our questions and answers are within us, we use tools and exercises to pull them out of ourselves.

My focus will be the self esteem and self actualization tiers.  Being okay with allowing myself to have exactly what I want and plainly accepting it, no explanation to myself or others.  I know for far too long my focus was on others and their well being, now I understand I must always "Put my mask on first" as the airlines have instructed us all to do for years--HA!

Although this post may be a bit out of sync with some of my others, I feel like this shift is just what I need, so maybe some of you out there might benefit from it as well.  I wish you all the best.  See ya next week, new moon post is coming!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Learning from the inside out

What time is it?
If you are just starting to get worn down by those waxing moon days, you are in luck, new energy time.  This time a Full Moon, yup, its the midpoint already.  I know, where does the time go, right?  The full moon hit not quite twenty four hours ago and I know I felt it.  Full moon is such a magical time, let me lay out for us all.

See outside of you
This is peak time for the moon's energy to work for us, through us, and with us.  During full moon we are working our intentions, actions, and reach to interact with those people and things outside of ourselves that are a part of our cycle work.  Now, since the moon reached fullness in the sign of Capricorn that just means we have Fair Teacher Saturn to look to for guidance, answers, and navigational positioning.

Lessons taught are lessons learned
Yes, Saturn is the teacher and for some of us that it may be a mixed bag, but I have found over the years that getting a nod from Saturn is an ultimate blessing, even if I don't feel like that at first.  Got lessons you need to get right this time, call on Saturn.  Want to finally get some long put off task done, call on Saturn.  Need to pull yourself together from that mess that is currently your life, take that to Saturn as well.  The benevolence that Saturn provides is that he is willing to teach us the hard lessons in order for us to eventually progress, don't know about you, but I am glad for the hard lessons, it always reminds me that I am moving forward.  If this kind of challenge is not your speed, go out on a limb this full moon time and learn that hard lesson, I bet it will be totally worth it for you in the future.

Shift it because I can
For me this Full Moon deals with my ability to shape-shift my whole trajectory.  Now, don't think for a minute that I don't have the same limitations as you, I do.  I am getting better at focusing and also seeing the warning signs on the road, but I too have to keep on my path, just as you do.  I have totally embraced there is no "Final Destination Has Been Reached" sign, but rather "Good Path Walking" signs along the way.  So, I am dropping any self lies I have told myself about myself and scooping up and digesting the inner truths of who I am and just what I am capable of---GREATNESS!!!

Pick your success
So, what's it gonna be for you? Aim high these days, you will be surprised that which you can accomplish just by thinking it.  Now yes, there are domains listed below that benefit work at the Full Moon, but do not be limited by that, there is no one-size-fits-all work that can or should be done now.  And really, that thing you think you are not ready to tackle is exactly what you should be working on. That's right, I heard you thinking of that, it's not my magic, I come to that spot myself, that's how I know.

Work in the Full Moon

Love, Attraction, Passion

Abundance and Prosperity

Blessing your Space

Courage of Heart

Spirituality and Inner Awakening

Full Moon Flowers & Herbs


Eucalyptus-Mental Focus


Candle Power

At the Full Moon there is an awesome amount of power available and a way to cement that power and your works is by burning candles.  Below is information on the color brown that is associated with Saturn.  Find Brown candles that are safe and burn them as long and as much as you like.  Fire is a tool of creation that can ignite you towards your goals this Full Moon.   



Acquisition of Material Objects

Retrieval of things Lost

