Friday, December 6, 2013

Magic makers wanted!

Here goes the sun
With the sun drawing smaller and the moon spending more time in the sky it is one of the best times to take it outside the normal that we know.  We have now properly entered the Sagittarius Lunar Cycle earlier this week and this cycle can be about a heightened sense of determination, an increase of profit making endeavors, and last but not least earth shattering revelations.   I propose to all of us, let's not stop there.  Yes, all of those concepts are great focal points, but right now we are being offered boons like never before.

Open is the way
Although it has taken me time to post this blog I am glad I listen to spirit and do as I am told some time without questioning.  Just this morning as I walked I noticed the onset of winter and I was happy, giddy and grateful in the most surprising ways.  For me I attribute this to the All Knowing Father planet Jupiter, who rules over Sagittarius' time.  Instead of being down about the slight chill and misty rain that came down as I walked I gleefully (yes, I did say gleefully) took each step and my heart beamed as small and large leaves whisked passed me.  So be open today and all the days left of this Sagittarius cycle for the results will be astounding, if we let them.  And that leads me on to my next point.

Revelations of magic
So what I have been realizing over the first few days of this cycle is that I am the sorceress that directs, guides, and crafts all that is in my life.  Yes on a surface level I have known that for sometime, but really with all that has occurred in my life over this last season I know it now like I never have before and I tell ya it's pretty amazing.  I want to yell from the tallest mountain "We are our own magicians and we craft the lives we want".  I am clear my eagle eye vision of this would not have occurred during any other time than when Jupiter was bestowing and bowing to us all.

Take the plunge
Be brave, take your own magic by the reins and do the work or works that you need to now.  It's all GOOD cause the generosity and surprisingly positive energy of Jupiter is here for us.  And for all of my Sagittarius Sisters and Brothers know you will be seriously on a high if you take the power and wield it for your highest and best selves.  Below are suggested perspectives to help us frame our works this cycle.  This is just for "springboarding" sake, be open, stretch out and create the world you want!

Work in Jupiter



Removal of Self Imposed Limits

High Achievement

Lunar Cycle Concept - Become the Sorceress/Sorcerer

Step outside my Normal

Recall times when I have made Magic

When I Win, others Win too

Focus on Dreams not Fear

My inner Sorceress/Sorceress inspires my Art

Lunar Cycle Herbs/Essences

Cedar - Success

Citronella - Eloquence

Nutmeg - Strength

Lunar Cycle Affirmation

Keep me open to & fearless of the magic I will make this cycle,

With that power I will move myself, others & the planet,

I am standing outside of my normal & loving every moment of it for this is where I truly belong


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