Sunday, October 27, 2019

Release in Three

New Moon
With the change in weather also comes a change in the moon. Today, at approximately 11:38pm EST the moon moves itself into a new lunar cycle and into the sign of Scorpio. The new moon is the time when the moon in the sky gives the appearance of full darkness, but really is just far away.  This is the time to figure out what you will work towards over the next 28.5 days (a lunar cycle). See these few days as planning or incubation on what you will work towards manifesting. Now having said all of that, let's get into more of the nitty gritty of this lunar cycle.

New Focus
Scorpio is a sign frequently reduced to heightened sexuality and strong passions but it offers many more gifts. Namely embracing the subtleties of life, journeying homeward to find a better understanding of self, and completing severance that is necessary to move forwardMore than a mere mantra, severance or plainly put "letting go" has all the sounds of a self help guru's platform, but rarely is it as easy as it sounds. Lean into Scorpio and it's ruling planet Pluto for the power to do things differently. Let us travel inwards to simply listen and hear what needs releasing.

New Knowing
My own journey this cycle is pivotal as I am being asked to put my talk into my walk. My life has a way of hearing me speak and then she shows up and says "Ok, show us". So my letting go will reveal things to me I probably have hidden deep within. This lunar cycle will be steeped in introspection, noticing, awareness and action. Only when I am quiet will things be revealed.

New Intention
Take all things contained in here as ideas, not a roadmap. My goal is to connect all of us closer to the power of the moon, her beautiful machinations and all the bounty that comes from knowing when and what kind of work to do each lunar cycle. For this new moon you will know what is best for you at this very moment. Below are a few steps that I am working with as I let go of things unwanted. Feel free to use this, alter it or use some other means that may allow you to release.

New Moon in Scorpio Work 


Below are three small steps that could actually take much longer than a short lunar cycle, but I say to you (and myself), let this be the beginning of dumping unwanted things that take up space in our lives. Whether secrets from long ago or longings that were never received, we must release in order to receive. I would love to be kept abreast of how you are doing with your release. I will check in this cycle to share more of what I have learned.

Step 1 - Recognize
Often the hardest step, take time this new moon to focus on seeing the unseen. It's not what we know but what we don't know, remain open and see things in a new way,

Step 2 - Acknowledge
Upon seeing then we must wholly accept whatever it is before us, completely unabridged. Radical acceptance is a feat but is doable, settle in to new knowing,

Step 3 - Release
Finally we have to figure a way to relinquish all that we hold. Whether it be through ritual, mantras, a letter or sharing, put these things back into the universe that no longer serve you.

--Shamanic Drea

1 comment:

at40 said...

This is wonderful. I have been pulled into the vortex of too many remote activities. Your insights remind me that I must recapture the blessed stillness of the first week of sheltering in place. Keep listening to the ancestors and sharing their/your wisdom!💕

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