The sparkle is Spring
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For most of us overnight the world has seemingly changed. Especially in the midst of all of this I want us to take a moment, lean into the realities the ancestors have for us, and go within to find our power and be guided into the next iteration of who we are in these times. And trust, it is not lost on me that all of this is occurring in the season of Spring.
Season's blessings
Spring, a season associated with color, the return of the Sun and many beginnings must always be acknowledged as a time for growth. This growth has to be from the inside out or else we miss the things that are truly for us. During this time of worldwide coping purposely align yourself with like minded persons and tap into that action of renewal. The regenerative force that is Spring does NOT happen by osmosis, we must be willing to accept the gifts this season has for us. Are you ready?
Silence seeker
For me this time has been full of embracing stillness. Although many of us are urged and even sometimes pressured to feel like we need to engage in projects, new skills and outreach to new audiences I simply have not been moved. To actually complete this blog and contemplate future ones has been a task because on most days I just want some stillness. My balance this spring will be about how to seek silence then emerge and create. Then take time to complete that cycle all over again. As much as I am hampered to be in I know that my guides are giving me this time as a gift and I hope I am open enough to accept and utilize it.
Surfing this Change
Since many of us have been ordered to stay at home take the time to think about what you already have as a resource that can help you navigate for today and tomorrow. Marking the beginning of a shift in energy is to your benefit. By saying to the spirit world I recognize the changes that are around me you open so much to you and others. Below are spiritual and guiding tools to use this Spring. They are sketches of a blueprint, please feel free to use them, not use them or spring board from them. Most importantly, be intentional about what you want this Spring. That intent will take you farther than you know.
Spring Animal Totem - Turtle
Meaning - Ancient Wisdom & Grounding
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Longevity & Rootedness is a choice in my Life
Seek my inner counsel in turbulent times
Slow & See Opportunities
Go Within to mature my Ideas
Nature has the perfect Tempo
Spring Concept - Create Harmony through Balance
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I Own, Accept and Love all of Me
There is never positive or negative, just what is
I can Balance my life in the midst of Storms
Spring Foods
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Spices (Ginger, Lemon, Tumeric)
Dry Grains (Corn, Barley, Millet)
Astringent Fruits (Apples, Pears, Berries, Prunes)
Lean Proteins, Egg Whites & White Meat
Bitter Vegetables (Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Asparagus)
Raw Honey
Spring Mantra
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During renewal, ancestors lead me to the depths of me,
Allow me to access the power of silence & spirit there,
Ground me in knowing I have and am all I need.
--Shamanic Drea