Saturday, May 23, 2020

Staging for my Success

Beginning begins
To begin again, that is what we have. No matter how fracking wrong a lunar cycle can go (and we have all had some really bad ones) have deep wisdom in the fact that there is the opportunity to do it all over again. At 1:38pm EST yesterday the moon made its way into the new moon in Gemini. Now both of those will be explored, but first let's see what all the hype is over a new moon.

Newness renewed
So, a new moon is also called the dark moon cause when we look in the sky we see no moon at all, but it just means where we are is far from the moon and it is not visible. She is still there, trust me. When this time is upon us there is a natural contraction of energy and a journey inward for unabridged introspection is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. Do work at this time that is about cleansing, clearing, removal and grounding. All of these are things we can benefit from at this time, but I suggest you try just one of them. Sometimes our overzealousness gets the best of us and we are not as productive as we think. And the last thing that the new moon represents is a time for intention setting for the entire lunar cycle (the next 28.5 days).

Mercury manifests
Gemini, that sign of duality, diversity and change, its power is derived from its ruling planet Mercury (which will be retrograding during this cycle, but we'll dish about that in another post). Mercury, that great communicator and also trickster, is the planet to ask for help on your journey. It has the power of efficiency and superior articulatory skills (whether audible or not). Use this time to accept weakness in order to move beyond (and weakness can be large or small), push yourself as I intend to push me.

Check myself
Now my intentions this lunar cycle is to work to better communicate what I have been given with others. Often times I hesitate to share, for one reason or another, but this new moon will be about accepting what I have and have not done in order to be open to where I will be going. Although all of this is not tangible, I am so encouraged to do this work because I am finally at a stage where I know I am mastering my spiritual path, rather than apprenticing it. For me there will be stillness, reflection, lots of writing and practicing (with myself and others). I will continue to say YES to new roads.

Rituals created
For those out here who have never done new moon work it is not formulaic or set. Allow yourself to be guided in how and when to ritualize and mark this new moon. One thing to keep in my, try to get your initial work in within the next couple of days. Then you have the rest of the lunar cycle to tweak, change and notice. A couple of ways to use the info below is to use post it notes to surround yourself with messages. Or you can keep a new moon journal where you can write and reflect about this cycle and the cycles to come. I offer the guidance tools below to you, me, and all of this this new moon.

Work in the New Moon

Fasting and Cleansing

Removal and Clearing

Preparing for the New

Acceptance of Introspection

Lunar Cycle Animal Totem - Deer

Animal Totem Meaning - Gentleness


Return to my Wilderness

Cherish Family & Ancestry

Hear the Inaudible

Embrace the power of Gentleness

Lunar Cycle Bird Totem - Cardinal

Bird Totem Meaning - Upholding the Self 


Renew Vitality

Listen to message from the Wind

Uplift Creativity and Intuition

Watch My Diet

New Moon "Grounding" Oil Blend


Utilize the new moon to harness the power of aromatherapy. Creating an oil blend that is used during the cycle will give you a way to reconnect and remember. A small and quick gesture can last a long time. Find a small glass bottle to store in a cool and dry place in your home. Use a base oil (grapeseed, sunflower, safflower). Use as often as needed and feel free to refill if you must. 

5 parts Patchouli (Grounding - Earth Element)

3 parts Orange (Happiness - Fire Element)

3 parts Lavender (Centering - Air Element)

New Moon's Magic

These are short and quick ideas to keep in mind when doing the work to set for this lunar cycle and beyond. On those days this cycle when everything is falling apart, take time to come back to this post and see these few words. Magic is in the power we allow to inhabit us for it is and always was inside of us.

Be Committed, Patient, and Open

I am creating a Roadmap for my Life's Success

I Transform by Accepting

--Shamanic Drea

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