Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Students Teach, Teachers Learn

We have arrived once again to that magnificent, budding, spring of the lunar cycle. That’s right we are within the Waxing Phase. This time is full of windows and doors that both represent opportunities for us. As we do in early spring, step out into the somewhat misty dew and breath in full breaths, then proceed into this cycle, fully charged, fully aware and ready to receive.

As we are meander through this Libra led cycle let us stop to smell from the blossom of Capricorn and its ruler Saturn. Yes, the wise teacher has returned to bestow upon us another amazing lesson. Pay attention to the role we all play as teacher and student, knowing that each role is forever fused into us. As a teacher we can always learn from those we teach. And, as a student we have lessons for our teachers. This cyclical understanding makes for a more complete life experience.

My focus has been on understanding the meaning and totality of attraction, so during this cycle I want recognize and rectify any outstanding patterns whether they be of my own doing or something that may be a part of my ancestral blueprint. I challenge myself to pull unto me the true lessons that I need to move forward.

Below are a few of the domains that Saturn can influence

Work in Saturn

Knowing time will dissolve and resolve all things
Recognizing patterns and truly learning the lessons
Ancestral/familial strengths and weaknesses

Herb/Flower Essences

Messages of Time

Past Message
We can only know love when we embrace ALL

Present Message
Understand the truth

Future Message
Empower through agape and gratitude

1 comment:

guerreiranigeriana said...

wait!!! can't be serious!!!...i missed this one?!...oh no!! i was thinking i was a little late for the full moon and i've missed the waxing for the newest phase!!...i have got to get my life it too late?...
